Haru x Reader

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Swimming Sickness

Hey guys like the last oneshot, this was originally written for my friend Lacie. I converted this into a x Reader to share this with you, but keep in mind that the reader was modeled after her. I hope you enjoy this and I apologize for any OOC. :3

~Fab Chi

You were looking for your new boyfriend, Nanase Haruka, during lunch. "Haru... Haru..." you call as you look outside.

In the distance, you heard the sounds of splashing and you sigh. "I swear, nothing compares to his love of water." Though it may annoy some, you just found his love one of the adorable things about him.

You enter the pool area to find him floating on his back. He dived into the water and began swimming laps.

Without making a sound, you sat just watching him swim. His amazing swimming style was beautiful, it's no wonder so many people fawn over it.

Similar to the dolphins that you saw in the mornings, his smooth swimming held grace that couldn't compare to anyone else.

"Haru, it's still spring, you'll catch a cold." You call out to him, your motherly instinct kicking in.

Haru glanced up and saw you. He nods and does one more lap before getting out. 'Oh my god look as his abs, they're perfect,' you fangirled as he pulls himself out of the pool.

You hand him a towel and say, "I hope you don't get sick again."

"But if I do, I'll have you to nurse me back to health, right?" Haru mumbles as he dries himself.

"Of course you will silly," You say as you give him a kiss, not caring about getting your uniform wet. "Because I love you, Haru."

So anyone like it? I hope chu did and I'll see you in the next oneshot, which will most likely be a Yandere! Makoto x Reader. Also did anyone catch my little Gou moment I put in there?

~Fab Chi

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