Cop!Rin x Killer!Reader

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Kiss Mark Killer

Hey guys, this is my first request from @AnimeFangirl59. I apologize for the wait on this oneshot, like my Himuro x Reader I had an idea for this but I've been lazy and not writing. After not writing a while and being lazy I've also had writers' block where my friend gave me the idea but i couldn't figure out how to put it into words. I'm also sorry if this oneshot is strange but i wanted to make a cop Rin and like i said my friend gave me this idea. I hope that this oneshot makes up for the long wait and I apologize. :3

~Fab Chi

The news stations, papers, tabloids, and Internet were all excited about one thing, you. The name, Kiss Mark Killer, was plastered everywhere and that's what excited you. Detectives were stumped and no one could stop you, or so you thought.

"The kiss mark killer, struck again last night as another victim turned up poisoned with the signature lipstick kiss upon the cheek. Police are still investigating the murders but so far have turned up cold." The reporter on your tv says as you shut it off.

" Of course the police haven't found anything, I'm not so stupid that I'd allow myself to get caught." You say, proudly. Deep down, you wanted someone to catch you but you wouldn't make it easy for them. If they couldn't catch you with the subtle hints you have left then well they weren't worthy of you.

You gather your equipment as you set out in search of another victim.


Rin had been assign to work the Kiss Mark Killer case since the serial killer had surfaced. All the cops around him wanted to quit, sick of chasing a killer that they believed couldn't be caught.

"What do you mean, she can't be caught? As long as victims keep appearing, it's our job to catch the person responsible." Rin says to his partner, Sousuke, whom was at his limit on the case.

Rin refuse to believe that his partner and childhood friend would give up now.

"Rin, I understand that you wanna catch her but there isn't any new clues. She is a perfectionist, she wouldn't leave any flaws to catch her." Sousuke says, trying to calm his partner.

"There are clues, and I'll find them," Rin says as he studies the case file intensely for the thousandth time since they began the case.

"Just don't overwork yourself," Sousuke says with concern for his partner. He pats him on the shoulder as he grabs his bag to head home for the day.

Rin simply grunted in response as he gazed at the evidence list from the crime scenes.

At one crime scene, the police recovered an empty lipstick tube which matches the lipstick marks on the victims, though no DNA was recovered from the tube. Another had a napkin from local bar that held the phone number of victim written upon it. Lastly, one of the victims handkerchief was sprayed by a perfume that smelled of roses.

As Rin stared at the evidence, he put together a theory. 'All of the victims were picked up from the same bar that was one on this napkin, suggesting that's where she picks her victims. The phone number suggests that the men went with her willingly, probably after hitting on her or being hit on, only to wind up poisoned later. If I were to go to this bar, I might be able to catch her if I look for this lipstick and perfume.' Rin put together as he decides to investigate by himself.

He sent a text to Sousuke, so that his partner knew what happened if he wound up the next victim. Then he grabbed his jacket and bag to head home to change.

Your POV

You stood at the bar of your usual bar, watching the men that passed you by. None of them stood out, though a few had already hit on you. You wanted someone whom stood out in the crowd this time.

A tall man with red hair walked into the bar and you smirk. "That's what I'm talking about," you mutter as you follow him with your eyes.

He seemed to scan the crowd and for a moment your gazes lock. He begins to approach the bar, and sits next to you in an available bar stool.

"One whiskey," he told the bartender with a sweet deep voice. His voice seemed to caress you, and you knew that he was perfect.

You smile seductively as him and lean on the bar more. "Do you come here often?"

He gazed at you and answered, "no but my usual bar just closed."

"Oh is that so? Well then, I'm glad you came here tonight," you say cutely and tuck you hair behind your ear. He got a whiff of your rose perfume with this action and he smirked.

The exchanges between you and him, continued for a while and finally, like a mouse in a trap, he was yours. Together you head to a hotel, and you happily walked with him, smirking as you had caught your prey.

Once in the room, you ordered a bottle of wine through room service. It was delivered to the room quickly, fast than most hotels. You had planned to slip poison into his wine glass but he had insisted on pouring it.

The two of you toast and sipped the wine. After a few minutes, your vision goes hazy and just before you black out you see a police badge hidden under the man's shirt, clipped on the belt.


Rin brought the woman into the station for interrogation. He showed the clues that she could be his killer, the same lipstick and perfume. Right before she had lost consciousness from the drug he had slipped her, she smirked as she caught sight of his police badge.

He waited within the interrogation room with as the drug wore off. When she woke, she didn't seem surprised at all that she was there or handcuffed to the table.

"Have you heard of the kiss mark killer, miss?" Rin asks calmly, staring her straight in the eyes.

"Of course I have, it's all over the media," she answers, equally calm. Her eyes burned with an excitement that Rin had trouble placing. 'Excitement? Desire? Lust?' He questioned in his head.

"Are you aware that your lipstick is the exact same shade as used by that killer?" He asked, not wanting to accuse her if it was a coincidence.

"Well I would hope so, seeing as how I am her," she says without hesitation. 'Is this woman crazy? Why would you confess just like that?' He questioned.

He decided that he would actually seeing as how it didn't fit her previous action. "What use does confessing now have to you?"

"No use, I've gotten what I wanted now so I shall not deny my beauteous work." She says, smiling darkly.

"What you wanted?" He asked cautiously. Someone came into the room to take her to a cell, seeing as how she had confessed.

"Now that's a secret, love," she whispers in his ear before she is take away.

Rin turns away from her and sees in the window that she had kissed his cheek. He had been marked in the same way that her victims were but it seemed to have a different meaning. Having worked this case for some time, Rin had unconsciously fallen for her. "I may know what you wanted, (Y/N)..."

Again I'm sorry for not posting this sooner and not posting anything recently. What did you think of this oneshot? I will take requests like this if anyone is interested in something different like this. I apologize for any major OOC and I hoped you enjoyed it. I'm gonna try post more tomorrow for this and my KnB x Reader but I've done two today so I'm super tired what with this and school. Until then, love chu all, readers. :3

~Fab Chi

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