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Hey, I wanna welcome everyone to my Q&A on this special day, my birthday. I'm so happy for all the people who participated in this, and I'll be complying the questions from both KnB and Free! I'll publish this in both books so people can see. Now then, first I have a comment for me.

KittyBailey: Happy early birthday!

Fab Chi: thanks so much, I appreciate it ^_^

Next question:

Akira8457: what is your favorite quote or words said by a character, or a quote that you follow?

Fab Chi: My favorite quote from a character... um that's hard to choose... it would probably be "What is important is to know fear and yet take a step forward"(Rosette Christopher, Chrono Crusade) or it would be "Heyyo home boy look like shark week, I ain't messing with dat" (Nagisa Hazuki, 50% off). A quote I follow though is "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those mind don't matter, and those who matter won't mind."

Next is a comment:


Fab Chi: Thank you, that's nice of you. Look at all the I's and A's o_O

Next question:

Fairytailmage234: what other anime do you watch?

Fab Chi: I watch a lot of anime though it's a cycle between watching a ton of anime, reading lots of manga and reading fanfiction. Anyway, I watch other sports anime (they are stupidly over dramatic) like Haikyuu and Yowamoshi Pedal. I'm also currently trying to catch up on Fairy Tail (dub only bc of Sting's voice actor) and the D.Grayman sub. I'm watching new episodes of UtaPri, Maji Love Revolutions, but I'm waiting to watch KnB season 3 until it's done airing.

Next question:

MissHazuki: what's your favorite colour?

Fab Chi: my favorite color is light purple *^* sorry I'm American so I spell it color, not colour. Trust me though, I'm not that patriotic so yeah

Next question:

m_e_l_i_s_s_a: what kind of shows do you watch?

Fab Chi: I've covered the kind of anime I watch, so I'll go straight to TV shows. I like to watch cop shows, like criminal minds and Law and order: SV, and I also like cooking competitions, like Chopped and Hell's Kitchen. I will say though that I am a nerd and also like Star Trek, Doctor Who and Supernatural.

Next I have two question from one person.

AnimeFangirl59: what is your favorite anime?

Fab Chi: hmmmm... that's a tough one. I'm gonna say it's either Uta no Prince Sama or Hunter x Hunter. I love the characters in those anime. My favs are Syo in UtaPri and Killua in HxH.

AnimeFangirl59: what do you want to be when you grow up? What kind of job do you want?

Fab Chi: When I was little, I wanted to be a vet or a fashion designer. Now that I'm older, I still want to be a vet. Even if I don't be come a vet, I plan to pursue some kind of science in college. I'm just a math and science person ^_^

Next 4 questions are from one person:

Water_neko_chan: do you have any pets? If yes which kind?

Fab Chi: First, thanks for all the questions, and to answer the question, yes I have pets. I have two cats (Honey and Mittens) and a dog (Lily). Plus we have a ton of fish in our pond.

Water_neko_chan: what is your favorite color?

Fab Chi: I've answered this but I'll happily answer it again, my favorite color is purple, light purple to be exact.

Water_neko_chan: to which places have you traveled?

Fab Chi: I have traveled to only one country, Canada. I really loved it and the people were super nice. Within America, I have traveled to a lot of northeastern cities. I've been to NYC, Boston, Philadelphia, Salem, Bar Harbor, Hersey, St. Louis, and LA to name the major U.S. cities I've been to.

Water_neko_chan: what anime/manga genres do you like?

Fab Chi: That's tough but based on my history of what I've seen and read, obviously one of my biggest is yaoi. I also like sports, action, supernatural and some romance though not all romance.

Water_neko_chan: Also, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Fab Chi: Thank you, I really appreciate it ^_^

Next Questions

Mursame: What's your favourite fast food?

Fab Chi: Sorry again that i'm American so my favorite fast food is probably Wendy's or Skyline. Now by saying Skyline I'm really showing where I am because that fast food restaurant in only in this area. Skyline is a restaurant where you get chili cheese coneys (my favs) or 3-ways. And before someone thinks something dirty, a 3-way at Skyline is spaghetti, chili and cheese.

Murasame: What books do you read?

Fab Chi: I read a bunch of different kinds of books, like Divergent, Percy Jackson, Poison Study (fav fantasy book) and Candymakers. Those are some of my favorite books and series though recently I've been reading a ton of LGBT books after my sister got me to read a series she was reading. The series is amazing, it's called Cut & Run, and I think it has 8 books right now. Also like books by Alex Flinn like Beastly and a Kiss in Time. Through my favorite romance book would probably be one I read called Perfect Chemistry. Okay, I'm going to stop typing now because I feel like I could go on forever about this.

And that's all the questions I got for this, I hope you liked it. If you have more questions for me, feel free to message me. I promise that I don't bite ^_^

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