Chapter Ten - Ivy

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Was it wrong that I thought my husband was hot? I liked to think not. I mean, sure I didn't know the guy, but he was still technically my husband. I could appreciate the view.

When I looked up, and he had his shirt off, I slightly freaked out. His tattoos covered his broad shoulders, as well as his chest and back. The ink stopped a little ways above where a shirt sleeve would, which was why I had no idea he had any.

I was still sitting between his legs, with my back pressed against his chest, while we looked at the picture we'd taken.

We looked convincing.

The moment he said he'd come back to this place just to be near his mom and sister, I immediately relaxed in his arms. It reminded me of what my mom always told my sisters and me when we were growing up.

"Marry a man who treats his mom like gold," she'd said, and she told the boys to be men that would make a woman proud. They didn't have to be strong and tough, but they had to be kind.

When Zane talked about his mom and sister, his voice was tender, loving even. It was as if he couldn't be harsh when speaking of them, even if he tried. I couldn't wait to meet them if they caused this change in him.

"I guess I should get on everything and update it," I said after a few minutes of silence.

"That's a good idea."

I logged into an account and updated my profile picture then I edited my personal information to married.

"Do you have an account?" I asked.

"Yeah, but Trina runs it. She runs all my social media."


"Maybe we could do a live video on your page."

"Yeah, I'll get my login stuff from her tomorrow."

"Oh, wow! I already have a comment." I clicked on the update, and sure enough, it was from my older brother, Jake.

'You look happy, baby sister. Congrats.'

"Who's that?" Zane asked.

"My brother," I answered. "He's the oldest."

I replied and turned the screen off.

"I need to call my grandpa," I sighed.


"Yeah. I haven't spoken to him since I left work..."

I stopped mid-sentence and looked at Zane. "Did we really only get married this morning?"

He nodded, and I tried to wrap my head around the crazy day I'd had. In less than forty-two hours; I'd met Zane, gotten engaged and married. I met my bodyguard, who seemed rather pleasant, let a lady I didn't know hug me, visited Las Vegas and was now Living with my husband in Denver, Colorado.

I mean, wow!

All of a sudden, a conversation with Pop seemed like the least intimidating thing I'd face.

I sat up and climbed over Zane's leg to get off the bed. Walking into the restroom, I shut the door and sat on the edge of the tub. I dialed the number and prayed he answered.

"Ivy." Pop's gruff voice came over the line and held so much disappointment.

"Hey, Pop."

There was silence on the other end that held a command. My grandfather wanted an explanation.

"I am so sorry I ran off. I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid you would try to stop me. Being married to Zane is what I want. I'm happy and safe, and I know that's not a good enough explanation. I know saying sorry and being happy doesn't make it okay, but I hope that in time, you can forgive me. I want you to come here and see the house and really meet Zane. I know you'll like him. Well, eventually."

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