I turn to Grayson as my eyes widen slightly. He's a built in lie-detector? Has he always been able to tell when I'm lying? That's unfortunate...

Grayson glares at Eli, his chest heaving up and down. "Fine," he grumbles. "If you're not planning on harming my mate again, then tell me what your coven is planning." His front is now pressed to my back as his hands slowly slide to my waist. He holds me possessively to his body, and I don't even try to fight him. Although I'm still annoyed with him for hurting my friend, he is still wound up from thinking that I was injured again. I know firsthand what it's like to think your mate is hurt- it's horrible.

I lean my head back to rest on his chest as I close my eyes. I wish that there wasn't an entire supernatural coven out to kill me, and if I just close my eyes and focus on the woodsy smell of my mate and the warmth of his fingers through my shirt, I can almost forget about it all. Almost.

Eli grunts as he adjusts his position. My eyes fly open at his struggle, but Grayson's arms act as metal restraints, not allowing me to move forward.

"I don't know what they're planning. I'm a traitor in their eyes, so they won't tell me anything." Eli takes a few raspy breaths as he holds his hand to his side. "Fuck, this shit hurts. How do you deal with this?" My cheeks slowly deflate as I blow out a slow breath between my lips.

"I've never been hurt as badly as you, but you deal with pain if you have to."

"Well," Eli laughs, then winces. "Let me know the next time you have even a paper cut. I'll take care of it."

"Yay!" I jump up and down and do a little dance in celebration. "Paper cuts are the worst! They're so small yet they're so uncomfortable! And I read a lot, so I would know."

Eli rests his hands behind his head as he grins at my excitement. "You definitely read way too much. It's not natural."

"It totally is! Your thing is magic, and my thing is reading. Oh!" I say, then begin fiddling with my fingers. "Does your offer extend to helping my little sister? She's always falling and scraping her knees, or hurting herself on the playground."

"There's a little Brooks? I've got to meet her! I'll bet she's cute," he smirks and quickly looks down my body before meeting my eyes again. "Just like you."

I roll my eyes at his empty flirting, but Grayson's grip on my waist tightens protectively as he pulls me away from the warlock.

"Are you asking to be murdered? Because I can take care of that for you," he growls more than speaks. I spin my body in his arms so that I'm facing him and place my palms on his shoulders. The tingles spread throughout my body with just a touch, and I hope it's enough to calm him down.

"He was just joking. He knows I'm with you." When Grayson continues to tense up and send metaphorical daggers at Eli, I sigh and cup my hands around the back of his neck. I bring him close to me and kiss him lightly on the lips. What I expect to be a short and sweet kiss turns to the exact opposite. Grayson's hands latch onto my body like I'm about to run off into the sunset with Eli instead. His lips attack mine as if he'll never have another chance to claim them again. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was jealous...

I bask in his possessive nature, secretly enjoying his powerful aura and intensity as he kisses me senseless. I back away when I become embarrassed that we have an audience. Grayson opts to hug me to his side instead as he nuzzles my neck.

"Mine," he mumbles, his warm breath hitting my neck. "Not his. Mine."

I place my hands on his cheeks and look into his eyes which are battling between black and silver. I nod and whisper "I'm yours."

The Dark Side of the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now