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I felt fear encompass my whole body as I realized what this meant. I was, in every way, the girl and the weapon from Leo's prophecy. I was the deadly weapon that would glow-in-the-dark. That's why Leo had been so upset when he heard me the piano last night, my voice... entranced him.

It took me until Leo put his hand on my cheek to realize I had been staring at him. Suddenly, someone knocked on the bedroom door. 

"Is everything okay in there? We heard noises." Piper said.

Leo gave me a slight nod as he called her in. Percy, Jason, and Piper all came through the door and stopped dead in their tracks. 

"What the hell is going on here?" Jason freaked at the sight of my hair in flames.

Piper stayed silent as Percy spoke. "Oh my gods, It's her." 

"It doesn't make sense at all and somehow also makes sense." Said Piper, laughing slightly.

I heard Leo begin to speak. "Well, her voice entranced me and now her hair is glowing so that's pretty much all the proof I need." 

My heart fluttered at the idea of my voice entrancing him. But what did this mean for the rest of the prophecy? I would never hurt Leo on purpose, so what exactly was in store for us?

Suddenly, I had a burning thought, literally. My head started pounding and I touched my forehead with my hand that wasn't still holding onto Leo. 

"Finn are you okay?" Leo asked, grabbing my wrist with his hand. Suddenly he pulled me off of him with a yelp. "Finn your burning up!"

My voice cried out as I felt the heat course through my whole body. I stood up and grabbed my head in my hands. There was an overpowering voice in my head that was practically screaming words at me. The world started spinning and I fell back against the wall. Suddenly, beams of light began leaving my fingertips. I could feel the voice getting quieter and the air get cooler. After a moment, I stood up straight and looked at the wall. I felt Leo's hand touch the small of my back, his hand was cold.

"It's an address?" Jason said.

"Cartwrite st. Granville Island. Vancouver, British Columbia." Percy read aloud. Piper sat down at the complimentary room computer and raced fingers across the keyboard.

"Here it is: Cartwrite st. Vancouver. Used to be a mill." Piper kept typing.

"Used to be?" Jason asked.

"The mill closed. It's an abandoned paid parking now. No one has been there since 2004."

Leo's voice emerged from the group. "We'll take the train."

"Are you serious?" I said and turned around to face Leo. 

"The address is burned into the wall! I don't think I need any other persuasion to go there!" Leo began unwrapping his bandages and I grabbed his hands to stop him. Instead, he lifted a hand to my face and looked at me. "Look, I don't know why and I don't know how you did that, but it's there so we should go." Leo finished. 

"Then it's settled." Piper said and left the room. 


The train itself was pretty nice but the station was a bit sketchy.

We boarded the train and sat next to a girl with blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes. She looked at us and grumbled. Rude.

I looked over at Percy who had his eyes locked on the girl. Suddenly, he got up and walked toward the girl putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Get away from me, perv!" She shrieked. Then she looked up at Percy and shock rushed over her face. "Oh my gods I'm so sorry."

Percy took her hand and brought her to the back car.

"What in the world was that all about?" I asked.

We could hear arguing coming from the car and they came out shortly after. The girl came and sat back down. "So, where are you guys going?"

"Paid parking lot." Said Leo in a completely casual tone with this girl whom I thought he had only just met.

The girl looked at me "I'm Addylinn Blakely or just Addy. Pleased to meet you."

"Hey, I'm Finley, Finn for short." I said, trying to sound confident even though her eyes looked like they could shoot daggers (which honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point).

"A paid parking lot, eh? Sounds riveting. I'm just wandering the country." 

Then the train stopped and an automated voice came over the loudspeaker. Addy stood up and took her things with her. "I'm at my stop, nice meeting you Finn." She gave everyone else this suspicious look and they returned one likewise. Percy tried to get up and follow her to the door but to our great surprise, she froze his butt to the chair. Then the words "Don't worry, it will melt." appeared on the window in ice!

"Love will thaw your frozen ass." Piper said as she pried Percy's butt off the seat. By that time the five of us were laughing like maniacs.

"Okay, there is seriously something you guys aren't telling me, who on earth was that?" I exclaimed.

"That... is my girlfriend." Said Percy. 

Leo sat back in his seat. "Addylin Blakely, daughter of Khione: the Ice goddess or something, total pain in Percy's side but he loves her anyway."

Percy shoved Leo in the side and he winced but laughed anyway. Jason chimed in too. "Let's just say we had a bad experience with her mom back in Quebec once. She wanted to turn me into an ice sculpture!"


An hour later we reached our destination. Luckily the lot was within walking distance of the station so we were there in a matter of minutes.

But it wasn't at all what we expected at all.

It was not a paid parking lot or an abandoned mill. 

It was Finn's house.

Book 1: The Voice and The Hammer (PJO fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora