Piper XXI

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Jason and I mingled with a few people. None of them knew of a glowing weapon, but we did meet some new people. One of them, in particular, caught my attention. Delilah was her name. She had Ginger hair and beautiful hazel eyes with hints of blue in them. I enjoyed her company although she acting a lot like my siblings. She seemed very interested in the weapon we were describing, although she did not know of one's existence. We went to search a bit more but eventually, Delilah had to leave. I should have asked her if she knew anything about half-bloods.

Just as she left, we ran into Finn and Leo dancing. They looked tense and kinda awkward.

"You guys find anything?" I asked.

"There was a woman watching us." Finn whispered darting her eyes for me to look at the short and dark figure the corner of the ballroom.

"Let's go outside." Jason said, leading us out the doors and onto the balcony which was unusually empty. None of us looked behind.

As soon as we got outside, Finn piped up. "What do you think she wants?" Finn looked the same as she had a few nights ago when we were attacked by the Kitsune, frightened like a child.

Just then, a cold rush went down my spine as I heard a slithering sound coming from behind me.

"Oh what luck! Four children!" She said, sniffing the air. "Demigods!" Her clothes melted away to reveal a Lamia. Half woman, half snake and cursed by the goddess Hera to eat children!

I drew Katoptris, Leo drew his hammer and Jason flipped his coin.

"Finn!" I yelled, but she backed up into the railing.

The Lamia came for Leo first, flashing its fangs and opening its mouth wide. Leo swung his hammer with all of his might but the monster was too quick. She coiled her tail around his arm and forced the hammer out of Leo's hands, causing it to swing right into the enormous glass windows. With a loud crash, shards of glass came raining down on us and gave us a few cuts. The glass, having cut the Lamia as well during its decent, caused the vicious beast to release its tight grip on Leo's arm. He let out a cry of pain and moved away.

Jason took his opportunity to strike, but he too had his weapon snatched from him. This time, the Lamia threw his sword down the stairs and cast Jason's body aside.

Now it was my turn and I was ready. Standing in front of Finn's frozen body. Leo moved out of my way and I took my opportunity to strike. I charged at the lady-snake and sliced the end of its tail off. The Lamia shrieked and hissed. She screamed and threw her body around, hitting Leo with full force. Jason and I ran over to Leo and managed to keep his head from hitting the cold marble floor. The world was moving in slow motion as Jason looked up and saw Finn behind me. He shouted her name and I whipped my head around to see Finley walking toward the Lamia in confidence. She pulled the pipe from her necklace and began to play.

Book 1: The Voice and The Hammer (PJO fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن