Finn XIV

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I was excited and nervous at the same time. The second Piper asked if I would accompany them on their mission, I accepted. I thought I was prepared and ready but that didn't calm my nerves. I held the pipe Leo made me and remembered I was safe with it.

I told Jason and Piper I would meet them at the fountain in thirty minutes. That would give us enough time to pack and find Leo... wherever he was.

I walked back to cabin seven and gathered my things, with the help of Marina of course who walked in a few minutes later with a sour look on her face. She made me a list of everything I needed. Than said, "Oh and one more thing." She reached under her bed and pulled out a leather container full of silver arrows. Marina was given them in her first week at camp.Like most godly weapons if you lost or used them they reappeared exactly when you needed them. She handed them over to me.

"What's a bow with no arrows!" She laughed. I twirled them in my fingers, accidentally dropping one. I quickly picked it up and looked around like nothing happened.

"Well, you're all set." Marina gave me a hug. I swung the arrows over my shoulder and grabbed my bag.

"I'll see you soon." I whispered trying not to let my voice crack. I didn't want to leave her... but this was where I belonged!

I picked up the rest of my things and made my way to the door.

"Be careful!" Marina hollered. "I love you!"

"I Love you too Marina!" I smiled at her and closed the door. Waiting for me was Jason, Leo and Piper at the fountain like they said.

"So how do we get to Vancouver?" I asked, looking at three of them but expecting a sophisticated answer from Piper.

"Pegasus of course!" I swung around to see Percy

"Im ready to go!" Percy smiled.

"What?" I said.

"Chiron said I could be of help, that and my gi-... friend and I had an argument and I need to be somewhere else for a while."

We shrugged our shoulders.

"Oh and take a Pegasus. They are quick and easy to fly!" Percy added, pointing past the creek and to the stables and we made our way to them.

"Which one do you want?" Leo asked, admiring the majestic creatures.

"That one" I pointed to the far left. A beautiful black Pegasus with wings like Jets came over to me and nudged my arm.

"Well at least he likes you!" The two of us looked at Jason who was having trouble getting on his Pegasus.

Piper trotted up to us, with Percy and Blackjack next to her.

"You coming?" She galloped away into the slowly decreasing sunlight.

"Come on Jason!" I yelled.

Leo and I rode off after Piper and Percy with Jason trailing behind.

Book 1: The Voice and The Hammer (PJO fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now