Piper XIX

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Jason and Percy made a B-line for the vending machines. I slowly followed suit when I noticed a rather flashy ad on the front cover of the local newspaper. It was an ad for a showcase event of antique Greek weapons. It was the perfect opportunity to look for the weapon from the prophecy! I'm a genius. Although, judging by the fancy advertisement, I knew we definitely needed some nicer clothes to attend such an event.

"Whatcha reading?" Said Jason, the end of a mars bar sticking out of his mouth.

"Answers." I said. "We're going out."

Percy stood behind Jason and asked "what kind of event?"

"It's a showcase for antique Greek weapons. We have to go if we're going to find the glow-in-the-dark... whatever it is. Although, Percy I might need you to sit this one out. It will look too conspicuous if we go as a group of five and seeing as you're the odd man out..."

Percy shoved the rest of a chocolate bar in his mouth. "Fine, fine, leave me alone. I wanted to catch up on Canadian Netflix anyways."


"Alright you guys, fancy events require a tux, so get shopping." I turned to face them and pointed to an expensive looking outlet.

"Yes! I've never gone fancy dress shopping before." Finn clapped her hands and smiled with joy.

"Me neither! The first time for everything right?"

Finn and I left the boys and began to browse the other shops on the street. We came to a shop with the teal paint job and the most magnificent gowns in the windows.

Finn opened the door and we stepped inside, instantly bombarded with the smell of overpriced perfume.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome!" A woman wearing a pink dress, puffed up blonde hair, and a cake face of makeup came walking toward us with her arms wide open. She looked like Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games.

"What can I help you with today, wait don't tell me... you're going prom dress shopping!" She said ecstatically.

After formally kissing both our cheeks she started for the dress racks without giving us a chance to respond.

"You girls would look lovely in any dress here. It should be long, but flattering! You two need to make a statement!

This lady was friggin hilarious.

She swung dresses into our arms until Finn dropped all of hers. "Oh, I'm sorry! I get a little carried away sometimes, time to hit the change rooms!" She said as she danced her way to them.

There were two booths beside each other leading out onto a runway.

"Oh no" I muttered.

"Oh yes!" Finn ran into the change room on the right and I took the left.

"How the Hades am supposed to get the this on?" I said. There were at least nine zippers, only one of them serving a purpose.

I opened the curtains and attempted to walk down the runway in this hideous dress and a pair of gold stilettos also given to me by the clerk.

I didn't want to offend the woman, so I said: "I was hoping for something a little bit more... simple."

She thought for a long time, then stood up. "Oh, I know just the thing for both you girls!" She hurried into a back room and came back with two white dresses.

Finn and I tried them on and emerged from the change rooms simultaneously. The clerk stood in awe as Finn and I examined each other. We looked fantastic! And that's saying a lot.

The lady had picked two similar dresses. Mine was more cream colored than white, the fabric hanging down on the sides with one shoulder and a gold belt around the waist.

Finn's dress was pure white, flowing and layered, also with one sleeve embroidered with jewels on the right shoulder and the flowery white belt.

"We'll take them!"

Book 1: The Voice and The Hammer (PJO fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum