Jason XV

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"The stupid horse!" I stumbled to follow the other three as my Pegasus twisted and turned trying to throw me off it's back! Other than the thought of death by horse the ride was fine.

The sky was a beautiful starry black with the streetlights bouncing off the broken clouds. We inclined past them into the moonlit abyss. We glided past the mountains bordering Canada and passed over what I'm pretty sure was the Fraser River according to this ancient map Chiron had found and given to us. The bridge crossing the river was lit up with cars.

Piper reached into her bag and pulled out the hotel reservation reservation sheets Chiron had also given to us.

"Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, Vancouver, Pacific rim hotel."

I turned the map around trying to figure out how to read it. Piper snatched it out of my hands.

"Looks like it's next to this forest." The four of us looked down.

As I looked down, I pet my pegasus. The four of us found our pre-arranged spot to land and glided along a line of trees from the forest leading to the hotel.

It looks like a castle! Or a celebrities house. Lights embroidered the entire building so to be seen throughout the city.

We dismissed the pegasus and headed for the front desk of the hotel. The walls were gold with a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. We approached the marble counter and rang the bell. A lovely lady came running around the corner.

"Welcome to the Fairmont Hotel!" She smiled.

"We have a room reserved for five." Piper conducted a headcount and gave the lady a reservation papers.

"Room 329" She said, ringing for the bell boy. He took what little we had and brought us to our room.

The room looked more like a apartment! The theme was a lovely blue with two beds on each side. Piper and Finn took the right, Leo, Percy and I took the left.

Piper reached for hotel directory and skimmed through it.

"So I make sure we have everything we need plus a little extra. There's a coffee shop down the street for breakfast, the pool for fun, a gym for you boys,"

The three of us looked at each other and laughed as we flexed our muscles for the girls. Finn giggled and Piper rolled her eyes.

"There is a book shop down the street for me and Finn I hear you like instruments, well they have pianos just lying around everywhere! I'm sure you could play one of them!"

Book 1: The Voice and The Hammer (PJO fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now