Finn IV

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I couldn't believe it, after all these years I was actually going to camp half blood! And i would see my sister again! It had been a while.

We walked through the streets for quite a while before we reached the small forest near my house.

I always hated that forest, something about it just wasn't right. "What's wrong." Said piper putting her arm around me.

"It's kinda dumb, but once when I was about seven years old, Marina and her friends decided to play a prank on me. They told me I was "it" for hide and seek. So, I stood with my face toward a tree and counted to one hundred. I stopped and looked around, they weren't there, as I expected. I searched high and low but I didn't see them. Then I heard my name being called, it sounded like the woman in distressed calling for a child. I followed the voice to a tree where I saw a young woman dressed in a pink gown, which flowed down behind her as her feet dangled off a branch only a few feet from the ground. She flashed in and out of place like an old TV screen. Voice echoing as she spoke; 'Run, turn around and run, do not look back, do not return.' I backed away from her. I fell backward and I saw her eyes widened and become black, her mouth was open and she let out a glass shattering scream. I must've passed out because the next thing I knew I was in my bed, grounded for leaving my sister alone while we were in the woods."

I finished, looking up at Piper who was still holding Jason's arm, although he looked more worried than her. Leo give me a reassuring look.

"Don't worry Finn, you have us to protect you." Piper lead the way with Jason still clutching her arm.

Book 1: The Voice and The Hammer (PJO fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now