Chapter 13

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Ahhhhhh its the final chapter. issa long boi so be prepared


Jack and Hiccup entered the large entry hall hand in hand. If the guardians noticed they didn't comment which was probably a wise decision based on Hiccup's explosive demeanour. Instead they included the couple in their planning against Pitch.

"Hiccup you have worked with him. Any insight on how we could defeat him." Bunny asked, leaning forward on his chair.

"Pitch likes to have the high ground. He wants to get under his opponents skin and try and mess with their mind. He will use and emotional trauma he can access to his advantage, so it's best to wear it all on your sleeve and be proud of it. Fear won't work if you have accepted you past." Hiccup was speaking to everyone, but his words hit home for Jack. Jack had faced Pitch alone before, and this was exactly how he won. By getting under his skin and making his doubt himself.

"Good. Now Jack, do you think you're up to facing him again. Last time almost killed you?" Tooth asked as carefully as she could. Jack just nodded firmly, ending that conversation then and there.

The group carried on planning for a while, until finally they had the perfect plan. It would require Jack as bait, which Hiccup was not keen on at all. But after ten minutes of persistence he finally agreed.

"So it's settled. Now all we can do is wait." North said getting up from his large chair and stretching. The others followed and went their separate ways. They would be called back once pitch had been located. For now everyone needed to recoup after the eventful few days.

Jack and Hiccup wandered down the halls, occasionally stopping to gaze over the busy toy factory below. Jack caught sight of a yeti knitting tiny hats and gloves and an idea sparked. He turned to Hiccup with a mischievous grin and tugged him down endless stairs to the front door.

"Jack where are we going?" Hiccup laughed, breathless.

"You'll see." He said with a smirk, shoving a spare pair of hat and gloves at Hiccup. Hiccup rolled his eyes and let the woollen accessories drop to the floor. He chuckled slightly at Jack's reaction and headed out the door.

"I can create heat Jack." Jack laughed and ran past Hiccup, summoning a small gust of wind to knock Hiccup into the freshly fallen snow. He fell face first with an audible 'oof', sending Jack into fits of laughter. Hiccup pushed himself up and clumped a ball of snow into his palm.

"Oh it's on!" 

Soon an all out war was occurring just outside the Pole. Jack had made to mounds of snow for the boys to hide behind. Whenever Jack scored a direct hit, Hiccup would melt parts of his defence as a distraction and pelt him with snowballs. Let's just say Jack never stood a chance. After a while they came out from behind their defences and started throwing handfuls of snow at each other, not even bothering to shape it. Jack slipped and a thick sheet of ice shot out around him.

Hiccup yelped in terror and hovered in the air, not daring to touch the ice. Jack's heart broke at Hiccup's immediate change in tone.

"Hic it's okay. I promise nothing will happen to you." Jack lifted his hand out and Hiccup took it, carefully lowering himself onto the pure blue ice. He wobbled and fell into Jack with another yelp of surprise. Jack's arms stayed strong around his waist.

He pushed with his left foot, making them glide effortlessly across the ice. Hiccup had his eyes screwed shut out of fear.

"Open your eyes." Jack coaxed, pulling Hiccup closer to him. Hiccup opened one eye and instantly closed in again, burying his face into Jack's chest. Jack chuckled lightly and steered them to the edge of the ice.

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