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I'm starting to think that we should've waited until the tour was over to announce our marriage.

We made the big announcement about two weeks after deciding to finally spill the beans. The press went crazy. Paparazzi followed us everywhere and we never seemed to get a moment of peace from the second we stepped outside the entrance of whatever hotel we were currently staying at. So much so that I was actually scared to leave the hotel for the first 2 weeks after it was revealed.

People were shocked that we managed to keep it a secret for as long as we did. The wedding was right after Christmas and it was nearly April now. We had a little more than two months left of the tour and I was doing my best to enjoy it, but part of me was itching to get home and prepare for this baby. I was just over 9 weeks now so I still wasn't really showing, although I swore to Niall that my pants were starting to feel tighter. I wasn't sure if that was the baby or the amount of food I was consuming, though.

Niall had a free morning today so we ended up walking around town and shopping, adding yet another charm to the bracelet he gave me for Christmas. It was nearly full now, and I was starting to wonder if I would have to buy another bracelet to fit the remaining charms by the time we were finished. We had lunch and made our way back to the hotel around 2 pm, where I practically passed out from exhaustion on the bed as soon as we walked in the door.

"You okay?" Niall asked, setting our bags on the table.

"Yeah, just a little extra tired today." I replied. "I think I'm going to take a nap."

He nodded. "Why don't you stay in tonight?"

"I kind of wanted to come to your show." I replied, kicking off my shoes.

He chuckled. "You say that about every show. You've been to the last four in a row. Just relax tonight. Watch a movie and order in for dinner."

I sighed dramatically. "If I must."

"Husband's orders." He smirked.

"That doesn't sound near as serious as orders from a doctor." I joked.

"Oh, it's more serious." He replied, sitting on the bed beside me. "A doctor can't punish you the way I can."

I scoffed. "Yeah, if you say so."

He glared at me and I started laughing, causing a strong wave of nausea to hit me. I stood up, hand over my mouth, and brushed by Niall to the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet. I already had my hair pulled back before my lunch from earlier made a reappearance. I was used to this routine by now. Niall, used to it as well, calmly joined me a moment later, setting a water bottle and damp cloth on the counter beside me. He rubbed my back until I relaxed, grabbing the cloth and wiping my face as I leaned back against the wall.

"This sucks." I huffed.

"I'm sorry." He offered.

"Me too. That was a good lunch. What a waste."

He grimaced before flushing the toilet and I let out a short laugh.

"I'm glad you can laugh about it." He smirked in amusement at me.

"It's either laugh or cry." I shrugged. "Supposedly morning sickness is supposed to get better after the first trimester."

"Only a few more weeks, then." He stated, trying to sound encouraging.

I nodded before letting out a deep sigh. "I'm exhausted."

"Come on, let's get you to bed." Niall jumped up before helping me up too.

I stopped him so I could quickly brush my teeth and took the water bottle with me to bed afterwards, setting it on the nightstand.Niall sat with me for about an hour before he had to leave so he could prepare for his show tonight. I was dozing off anyway, so I kissed him goodbye and drifted off to sleep pretty shortly after.

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