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Ever since I was a little girl, Christmas has been my favorite holiday.

I loved everything about it. The lights and decorations, the food, the movies, the friend and family gatherings. Despite it being a stressful time of year for a lot of people, it brought a feeling of warmth and coziness. People would become anxious over gifts and finances and seeing family they didn't necessarily get along with, but everyone always seemed to find happiness in the holiday season no matter what.

Right now, nothing made me happier than Niall being home. He ended up coming back a week later than planned due to a snowstorm that stranded him in Sweden, but I was happy to have him back nonetheless. I had decorated the house from top to bottom prior to his arrival, complete with a Christmas tree in the living room next to the fireplace. It never really got cold in L.A., so I had the electric fireplace on simply for the fake flames to flicker, giving off a warm glow that any house should have on Christmas.

I spent most of Christmas morning in the kitchen, cooking and baking various things while Christmas music played in the background like my mother and grandmother used to do. Niall would help occasionally, but he spent most of his time snacking on the food I was preparing while watching me dance around the kitchen with a smile on his face.

Liz wasn't here, of course. Her family went to New York every year for Christmas. Everyone else was back home spending the holiday with their families before we left for the wedding in a few days. Niall promised to tell me where exactly we would be going, but he still had yet to do it.

After dinner, we sat on the couch with mugs of homemade hot chocolate and a plate of cookies while a Christmas movie played on the TV. The only other sources of light came from the fireplace flames and the strands of Christmas lights on the tree and in various places throughout the living room.

"Are you going to tell me now?"

Niall sighed, a playful smirk on his face.

"Niall! I need to know where we're going so I can finish packing! We leave in three days!" I exclaimed.

"We haven't even opened presents yet." He smiled. "Let's do that."

I glared at him as he set his mug on the coffee table and walked over to the tree, grabbing a few packages. He sat back down in front of me and handed me a slim envelope without a word.

"So you're just going to ignore me?" I replied, taking it from him.

"Open it."

I set my mug on the table as well and gently ripped open the envelope, pulling out what looked like a plane ticket. I studied it for a moment before realizing that it was Niall's way of telling me where we were going.


He nodded, a huge grin taking over his face.

I squealed, throwing myself on top of him as he laughed at my excitement."This is amazing! I can't wait!"

"I guess I did okay then?" He asked.

"You did amazing." I replied, pecking him softly on the lips.

"Just wait until we get there. It only gets better." He smirked.

"I'm so excited." I said, bouncing on my seat.

"Here, I have something else for you." He added, holding out a box to me.

"I told you not to worry about gifts this year, you've been so busy." I replied.

"If you really think I wouldn't get you something, you're insane." He chuckled.

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