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The wedding was great and the honeymoon was even better. We spent an entire week after the wedding traveling between islands and doing everything we possibly could. Some days we would hike, snorkel, visit museums and aquariums and even swim with sharks(which I HIGHLY protested). Other days we would spend the entire time on the beach and there were one or two days in particular that we didn't even bother to leave the hotel room. There were no distractions, no mishaps, nothing that went wrong in any way. It was peaceful and romantic and we finally had the chance to feel like a normal couple. It was everything we needed.

Now that the holidays and festivities were over, we were already a few days into January when we finally returned home, only to prepare to leave again just two days later. Packing was a nice distraction from post vacation/holiday/wedding blues all wrapped into one. I wasn't nearly as sad as I was last time Niall left for tour, mainly because he would be in the states for the rest of the trip, and I would be going with him this time. I was actually pretty excited.

Niall was off running some work errands today while I did laundry and re-packed our suitcases. Although this time, they were mostly filled with winter clothes instead of swimsuits. I checked the time just as I finished packing, realizing it was time for me to leave. I had an appointment scheduled with Dr. Craton; the last one that would be in person for quite a while. I slipped on my shoes and quickly grabbed my purse and keys before heading out to my car.

Craton wasted no time diving in as soon as I walked through the door. I was barely able to take a seat before he started his polite interrogation. While pummeling me with questions, he liked to wear a soft smile as if that made me believe we were just two friends having a casual conversation and not that I was here because I'm mentally ill.

"How was your trip, Mrs. Horan?" He asked.

I laughed lightly, but I secretly enjoyed being referred to as Mrs. Horan.

"It was great. The wedding was beautiful and we had an amazing time. Niall's family even ended up coming."

"Really?" He replied, his eyebrows rising in shock.

I nodded. "I called his mom and asked her to. For Niall. She agreed. I don't think she hates me as much I thought."

"That's a good thing." He smiled. "Did anything else happen? Anything you might want to talk about?"

My mind was blank as I shrugged, shaking my head at him. Then it hit me. That night at the club with Liz and Stacy.

"Niall told you, didn't he?"

"He may have called me out of concern." He said calmly.

"I already told him that I'm fine. If I were you, I would be more concerned about him. He took it harder than I did." I muttered.

"How so?"

"He literally found the guy and beat the hell out of him." I explained.

"From what I understand, he's not usually a violent person." Craton replied.

"No, I've never known him to be." I agreed.

"How did you feel about him responding to the situation that way?" He questioned.

I stared at him for a minute as I thought about it silently. "I don't know. Surprised, I guess. It worried me."


"Because I don't want him to start using violence as an outlet." I answered.

"That's understandable. Do you think something like that could happen again?"

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