In the corner of her eye, she sees Elena with Stefan and Bonnie. Once more, she didn't miss the look Stefan gave his brother. She also saw the look Bonnie gave him before she walked away.

"Bad dream?" she offered, shrugging. "Getting those a lot lately," she admitted. "I guess I overslept this time. I'll see you around, Damon."

He gave her a wave, "See you."

How odd.

~ soulmark ~


So far, so good. Just as they say within the first week of school. There's nothing better in life than voluntary repetitive labor. It's been eventful, to say the least. Elena's set her sights on the new guy, Stefan Salvatore, a quiet yet alluring emo of obvious Italian descent. Along with him comes Damon Salvatore, whose purpose seems to be annoying the hell out of his younger brother. Frankly, I know nothing about the boys, but I do know this;

The Salvatore brothers carry a secret. Elena has gotten herself stuck in the middle, and by association, I am as well. The Hardy boys barely look threatening but looks can be deceiving. I wonder what exactly they hide beyond their handsome exterior.

"Are you turning into Elena?" Caroline teased, sitting down next to her in the fields. The girls weren't all there yet, hence practice hasn't started. "We came here so we can start practice, not write."

In the distance, Alyssandra saw Stefan and Elena talking. Stefan wore the Mystic Falls football varsity gear, she wondered if he was any good, she was an avid watcher of the games after all.

Bonnie's head turned in the direction she was looking at. Alyssandra notices the look of discomfort that passes through her best friend's face. Caroline's head followed and she instantly scowled, jealousy taking over her features.

"Do you think you can introduce me to Damon, Aly? He's such a hottie." Aly could hear the warning in her tone. She really hoped that the whole Caroline vs. Elena thing would end. It was like 8th Grade all over again. She was also pretty sure that Elena wasn't even aware of the dispute happening.

Caroline really needed a boyfriend. Or some self-confidence.

"I don't know you guys," started Bonnie, unsure. "I keep getting this bad vibe from Stefan. What if Damon's the same?"

Caroline scoffed, "This again?" she demanded, standing up. "Come on Bonnie, is there anything else your witchy powers can tell us? Something real for a change."

Bonnie sent her a glare as Caroline stalked off, calling the girls once more, demanding them to get back on the field. "Whatever." Bonnie murmured, her attention went back to her phone and she aggressively pressed her fingers as she typed. 8 14 22

Elena finally walked up to them, a happy smile on her face. She wore her cheer gear, Aly briefly wondered what convinced her to stay on. Elena was so determined to quit last summer. "Hey," she greeted, sitting down. "You guys alright?"

Bonnie sent Alyssandra a look, she just shrugged in response.

Elena beamed. "Well," she started, "Bonnie I was wondering if you'd like to come to dinner with us later tonight?"

"You mean with your date with Stefan?" Alyssandra butted in, Elena sent her a mild glare.

Bonnie shook her head, "I don't know."

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