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Your legs shake as you make way towards the park down the block form the school. You and Katsuki are supposed to meet up here once school is over; which is now. The blue sky is covered with dark rain clouds. Small droplets of rain hit you causing you to shiver from the sudden coldness.

From the distance you can see Katsuki leaned up against a cherry blossom tree. His eyes find yours, making you blush.

"Hey." His voice is hoarse.

"Hi." You rock on your heels nervously.

The awkwardness in the air is almost too much to handle.

"So, there's something I've been wanting to tell you." He places his hands in his pockets. You still manage to see the bandages on his hands.

"I-I actually wanted to tell you something too." You press your pointer fingers together.

"Let me go first." He huffs and you nod. He takes a deep breath before releasing his words.

"I'm not good at talking about my emotions." He starts, "Listen (Y/N), for a while now I've been feeling some type of way; something I've never felt before." His eyes lock onto yours. You can't help but start to tear up.

He's confessing!

"When you went out with Todoroki...I just felt...jealous. I couldn't stand seeing you with him." He rubs the back of his neck.

"I pushed these feelings back for a while now, but it's consuming me more and more everyday."

"Katsuki." You whisper and reach out to caress his cheek.

"Truth is," He looks down at you, "I'm in love with you."

By now rain is pouring down onto you two. A smile etches onto your face as you hold his cheeks with both hands.

"The reason j went out with Shoto was because I thought I had feelings for him, but in reality...you were the one that corrupted my mind. Everyday I woke up thinking about you, Katsuki. You saved me from my hellish life. I realized that I'm in love with you too." You say before pressing your lips against his. Katsuki doesn't hesitate to kiss back. His hands gently grab your waist, pulling you closer. Fireworks go off in your stomach. Your heart jumps around with joy from the feeling his his lips against yours. The coldness from the rain vanishes and is replaced by the warmth from Katsuki.

It's truly a magical moment.

You both pull away after a few seconds. Katsuki looks up at the sky and chuckles, "Guess you can cross something off the list then."

You giggle and kiss his cheek, "Guess so."

This is the happiness I've always wanted to feel, this is the love I wanted. It's all right here in Katsuki's arms.

Ever since he saved me the darkness in my heart faded away, and it's all because of him. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for him.

Little did I know, I also saved him too.

I was a broken girl, he was a broken boy. Our worlds just happened to collide and we fixed one another.

We fixed it with love.

Katsuki Bakugou is my hero and will always be my hero.

T H E    E N D


Yeahhhh this story is finished 👉🏻👈🏻

The reason why I finished it so quickly is because I honestly lost motivation fir writing this story.

It was either I discontinued it or end it here. I know so many people love this book so I've decided to end it fair and square.

I'm very very sorry if you were expecting more from this book :( I just can't get myself to continue writing it.

When I first wrote this book, I didn't storyboard it which means everything was all over the place. I published it thinking I can go on with no problems.

Well I learned my lesson haha

Anyways, thank you to everyone that read, voted, and commented on this story! It really means a lot!

Feel free to check out my other stories! I'm currently working on a bts jungkook fanfic!

Thank you guys for everything! I love you all <3

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