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"Wow." Deku stares at you with wide eyes after you tell him everything. His green irises sparkle with amusement, "What are you going to do?" He asks.

You shrug, "I really don't know. It's like...I like both of them." You place your head in your hands. Deku rubs your back, "I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"I mean...Shoto asked me out, and Katsuki said that kiss was...well he said he was just caught off guard." You shrug again, "Maybe I should give Shoto a chance?"

Deku nods, "If that's what you want. Kacchan is very unpredictable at times. The only way he deals with his feelings is fighting. That's why he always bullied me in the past." He exhales deeply, "Kacchan was never one to acknowledge girls, so I don't know what he would do if he liked someone."

You think for a moment. Shoto broke up with Rina just so he can be with me. It's only fair if I give him a chance.

"I'll go out with Shoto." You grip onto the bedsheets, "I just hope this won't make anything awkward between Katsuki and I."

Deku places his hand over yours, "I'm sure it won't. If you need anything, I'm always here for you." He grins.

You lean in and kiss his cheek, "Thank you Deku."

He's about to respond, but gets cut off by the door opening. Katsuki stands in the doorway with a scowl on his face.

He looks directly at Deku, "What are you doing here?" He growls. Deku sits up and nervously shuffles towards the door, "I was just leaving! I'll talk to you later (Y/N)! Bye!"

And with that, he's gone. Katsuki takes Deku's place on the chair.

"Are you okay?" You ask, "You look stressed."

Katsuki closes his eyes and leans back on the chair, "My old hag of a mother was giving me a hard time as always. It's nothing really." He trails off. You frown and look down at your hands. You knew that it wasn't just nothing. Something clearly happened while he was home, but you didn't want to pry.

"I see." You bite your lip, contemplating whether to tell him about what happened with Shoto or not.

"Hey um...I want to tell you something." You start. Katsuki opens one eye, then closes it, "Shoot."

You take a deep breath, "Well...Shoto was here while you were home—"

"Ugh." He groans, "What did he do now?"

You start to sweat, "He um—we talked and uh..." You start stammering. Katsuki opens his eyes and furrows his eyebrows at your sudden nervousness.


"He kissed me and asked me out!" You blurt out. Your hands quickly cover your mouth. Katsuki gapes at you with wide eyes. His mouth is slightly open from your sudden outburst.

"He what?"

You remove your hands, "He kissed me and asked me out." You say slower this time. A wave of jealousy hits him, "He kissed you?"

You bite your lip and shake your head up and down, "The reason he broke up with Rina is because he wanted to go out with me; he likes me."

Katsuki clicks his tongue, "And she beat you to a pulp because of that! Are you really going to go out with him?!"

"He really likes me Katsuki!" You raise your voice a bit. Your heart is starting to slowly crack from how hurt Katsuki looks right now.

"But I—" He stops himself, "You know what? Do whatever you want." He stands up and heads towards the door. Anger now consumes you, "Why are you getting all mad over this?!"

Katsuki turns around and raises his arms, "Because maybe I don't want you to get hurt again!"

"I won't get hurt again." You look down. Katsuki scoffs, "How do you know? Can you look into the future?"


"I'm going home." He slams the door shut without another word. You fall back onto the bed and curl up into a ball.

What do I do now?

Save Me » Katsuki Bakugou x Reader AU Where stories live. Discover now