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What the fuck?!

Katsuki paces back and force in his room. His hand tangled in his hair.

I made myself look like an idiot! I never get nervous around people! What the fuck just happened?!

"SHIT!" Katsuki grabs the nearest item and throws it against the wall, which is a pillow. He plops down on on his bed and covers his face with his hands. His cheeks are red with fury and embarrassment. He grabs his phone and quickly dials Kirishima's number.

"Hello?" Kirishima yawns through the phone. Katsuki paces back and forth in his room, "Shitty hair, I have a problem."

"What's wrong?" Kirishima questions. Katsuki runs his hand through his hair with a sigh, "When I was talking to (Y/N) earlier...I started stuttering and didn't know what to say. I mean what the fuck happened?! I've never done that before!"

Kirishima hums in response, "It's pretty obvious that you like her dude."

Katsuki's heart drops to his stomach, "What did you say?"

"I said you like her. Why else would you act nervous around her?"

Shit. He's right.

Kirishima waits for his friend to respond, but he never does.

"Just admit it; she's the one you're crushing on." Kirishima says. Katsuki runs his hand down his face, "No way."

He sighs, "Denying it will only make you like her more. You just got to accept it."

Katsuki starts to chew on his nail, "What do I do?" His voice is soft, which is unusual for Kirishima.

"Ask her out!"

Katsuki blushes, "Huh? No! She's been with Todoroki a lot lately. She probably doesn't even like me back."

"You don't know if you don't try." Kirishima states. Katsuki thinks for a moment, "I'll think about it." He grumbles.

"Good." He huffs, "Quick question bud, do you ever get sore down there—"

"Goodbye." Katsuki pulls the phone away from his ear and ends the call. He throws his phone aside and plops down onto his bed. The image of you and Todoroki haunts his mind.

"Shit." He mumbles to himself.


"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT EATING MY FOOD?!" Your mother yanks the piece of pizza from your mouth and throws it on the ground. You wince at the sight of your dinner now on the floor.

"I was hungry." You refuse to look into her eyes of fury. She grabs your arm and yanks you up from the chair.

"Go to your room! I don't want to see you for the rest of the night!" She pushes you toward the stairs. You hold on your cries as you run upstairs. You lock your bedroom door and plop onto your bed and cry into your pillow. This isn't the first time you got caught eating her food. She never made you anything and there was nothing for you to cook, so the only option was to eat whatever was in the fridge.

The sound of your phone ringing makes you jump. You grab it and check the caller ID.

"Shoto." You whisper before answering the call. You lay back and mumble a soft hello.

"(Y/N)." He starts, "I did it."

You sit up a bit, "You broke up with Rina?" You ask.

"I did." He exhales deeply, "She didn't take it too well; neither did my parents."

"At least you're free from her now." You smile weakly.

"Yeah...plus there's someone else I've been keeping my eye on lately." He voice lowers. You raise an eyebrow, "Who is it?"

"I—uh—was actually going to ask her out soon. I mean I don't want to go out right after I broke up with Rina." He awkwardly chuckles.

"I wish you the best." You pick at the nail polish on your toes.

"Thanks. I hope she doesn't reject me." He says and you quietly chuckle, "Who would ever reject you?"

"Are you flirting with me (Y/N)?" He teases. You gulp and blush a deep shade of red, "I—"

"I'm just teasing you." He softly laughs. You rub your neck, "R-Right."

"So I'll see you tomorrow then?"

You nod even though he can't see you, "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow."

Save Me » Katsuki Bakugou x Reader AU Where stories live. Discover now