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"You can never do anything right! Why cant you be like your sister?! Quit that stupid hobby of yours and work in an office! This is why your sister makes more money than you!" Your mother screams her head off whilst throwing the laundry around. You wrap your arms around yourself and sob quietly. What was so stupid about drawing? It's something that helps me escape from this stupid reality. I didn't want to be like my sister. She wasn't forced to do something like I was. She's only five years older and she has a good paying job, a family, and her own home. I wanted those things too, but I didn't want to be exactly like her. I want to be my own person.

Your mother has been like this ever since your father left you mother five years ago. He cheated on your mother with a skank from his work place. After your mother found out, she went ballistic. She always took out her anger on you, since you were the only one left in the household.

"This is probably why you have no friends in school!" Your mother slaps you hard. You plummet to the floor and place your hand over your stinging cheek. The tears only making it worse.

"Ugh! I need to get out of here. Make your own dinner and don't bother calling me!" She grabs her jacket and quickly runs out the door, slamming it shut. You are left alone, crying on the floor with your hand covering your red cheek.

Five years I've been through this hell. Five years since I've been abused. Five years since these demons have entered my head.

It doesn't stop there though.

You were constantly bullied at school. Some people might think that bullying stopped in high school, well they're terribly wrong.

"You stupid pig!" Your bully, Rina Yama, pushed you against the red lockers of your school. You grabbed your back and slouched over from the pain. One of Rina's friends, Ami, kicked your stomach. You silently cried and curled into a ball on the cold floor.

"You're such a loser!" Another girl said. Rina then spilled her blue slushy all over you. She threw the cup away and laughed along with her clique.

"Let's get out of here." She then said and walked off without another word. You looked down at your now blue shirt and cried even more.

What did I do to deserve this?


Tears drip onto the white paper of your journal as you write your final letter. There is no specific person that you are writing to, but you hope that one day someone will find it and feel sorry for you.

You slowly place the letter down onto your desk and walk out of your tiny room. It is just past dinner time, not too long after your mother had left the house. You grab your denim jacket and rush out the door. You didn't know exactly where you were going, but you knew you had to go somewhere far from here.

When you reach the center of town, no one bothers to look at you. It's not like you care anyway. You are invisible to the world.

Your feet made its way towards one of the tallest buildings. You look up at the glass building and sigh. This seems like a good one.

When you enter the building, you realize that it's an office building. You get weird looks from others as you are on the elevator. You sigh with relief once the last person on the elevator exits on the floor below from where you are headed. Your ears perk up when the elevator dings. You are then greeted with the deserted rooftop. You are able to see the entire town from up here, but it's not like you ever liked this town anyway.

The cool breeze hits your face harder as you step onto the ledge. You keep your gaze locked on the building in front of you. Spreading your arms slowly and closing your eyes, the rough air flows through you as you breathe. Just fifty feet below, your death awaits. You open your eyes ready to say goodbye to this cruel world. As you take another step, a rough grip on your jacket causes you to fall backwards onto the hard ground.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" A raspy, deep voice screams into your ear

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"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" A raspy, deep voice screams into your ear. You're utterly confused for a moment, but quickly regain your composure. The spiky, blond hair boy in front of you is awaiting your answer to his question. His crimson eyes boring into yours.

"I—uh—was looking at the view of the town. Yeah that's it! It's a beautiful sight up here!" You send him a fake grin, hoping he would buy it. To your dismay, he doesn't.

"Don't lie to me. I know what you were about to do." His voice was quieter than before, but still angry in a way. You clench your jaw, "Then why did you bother asking what I was doing?!"

He clenches his fists, "I know it's not smart of me to ask why because it's not my business, and it's not like you would answer me anyway."

You avoid his gaze, "Why did you stop me?" Your hands are shaking. You didn't know if it was from the cold, or the fact that you were about to die.

"How can I just watch someone die right before my eyes?! I saw you from down below. You were on the ledge with your arms out. At first I thought you were crazy, but then I realized what you were about to do." He says. You wrap your arms around yourself, "I didn't want to be saved."

He suddenly grabs your forearms making you flinch. "What you were about to do, you can never come back. I may not know what you're going through, but believe me when I say there's so much more to life. Killing yourself won't make anyone you think feel better."

Your breaths start to get shaky and tears fill your eyes, "My life is utter chaos! There's nothing I have in this world! I have no family, no friends! You're probably only saying this because you don't want to be a witness of someone's death!"

He is taken back from your words. His eyes are wide as he thinks about what to say. "I may not know what you go through, but what I can say is that you are not alone. Someone right in front of you could be going through the exact same thing. Take me for example!" He growls.

It was your turn to widen your eyes. "W-What—"

"My family is absolute shit. They don't give two fucks about me. So you're not the only one who has a shitty life girly." His eyes darken. Tears fell from your eyes once again. You are surprised that you still had tears left. He watches you as you silently cry. You didn't know how to respond to him. He took your silence as an opportunity to speak again, "I can show you that life has meaning to it."

You gasp and look into his crimson eyes again

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You gasp and look into his crimson eyes again. Was he being serious?

"Why should I trust you?" You whisper. He sighs and takes a step back, "I never asked you to trust me." He reaches his hand out towards you, "I asked you to let me show you that there's meaning to life."

You stare at his hand, waiting to take yours. At this point there's no denying him. It's not like I have anywhere to go anyway.

You take a deep breath and grab his hand, "Okay. I'm (Y/N) by the way."

He grins, "Katsuki Bakugou, and I'll be your hero."

Save Me » Katsuki Bakugou x Reader AU Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt