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You chuckle at Shoto's soft, excited voice.

"Yes really." You smile. Shoto takes a deep breath, "I kinda already planned a date for us." He says nervously. Your stomach fills with small butterflies at the thought of him planning a date before you even agreed to go out with him.

This is all new to you. You never been on a date, never been asked out. It's all a new experience, but you are more than happy to experience it with Shoto.

"What's your plan for our date?" You bite your lip.

"Well I wanted to take you to a fancy restaurant. I've been saving up a lot of money over the years, so don't worry about paying. I can make reservations now. Is that okay?" He asks. Your eyes widen a bit and you frantically nod.

"T-That's awesome! I can't wait." You cover your mouth to hold in your giggles.

"Great. I'll make the reservations for Friday night; is that good?"

You nod again. That's tomorrow. "Yeah that's fine. Just let me know what time."

"Sure thing." He trails off. There's an awkward silence over the line making you uncomfortable.

"So I'll see you then?" You say.

"Yeah. Have a good night (Y/N)."

You smile softly, "Thanks, you too." You hang up before he can respond. Just as you fall back onto your bed, Izumi barges into your room with a huge smile on her face. You jump up and place your hand against your rapidly beating heart.

"What the hell Izumi?!"

She giggles and takes a seat onto the edge of your bed, "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Are you going on a date?"

Your face turns hot, "Yeah." You voice is soft. Izumi reaches out and hugs you tightly.

"I'm so happy for you! Who's the lucky guy?!"

You pull away and twiddle your thumbs, "His name is Shoto Todoroki. He's taking me out tomorrow."

"Oh this is so exciting!" Your sister squeals, "Can I do your hair and makeup?! And pick your outfit?!"

You can't help but smile at your enthusiastic sister.

"Sure, I don't have any nice clothes anyway." You shrug. Izumi pinches the air and runs out the room, "Just let me know when you want to get ready tomorrow!"

You laugh in response, "Sure thing."


"You've been slumping all day! What's up with you?" Kaminari pokes Katsuki with his pointer finger. Katsuki groans and covers his face with the nearest pillow.

"Man I never seen him like this." Kirishima frowns at his best friend laying on the couch.

"You know...talking about it will help." Sero puts his hands in his hips.

Mina thinks for a moment before speaking, "Is this about (Y/N)?"

The four friends watch as Katsuki tenses from hearing your name.

"I think we got him." Kaminari whispers to Sero.

"What happened between you two?" Mina kneels down and pets Katsuki's head. Katsuki grumbles once more.

"Just leave me alone."

Kirishima takes a step forward, "No. we're not leaving until you tell us what's going on. I mean you let us into your home even though you're moping around."

The four friends found Katsuki like this in his own home. They weren't surprised that his parents weren't home, but they were surprised that Katsuki actually let them in.

All he really wants is company, even though he doesn't say it.

"Fine." Katsuki slowly sits up and sits crisscross on the couch. Mina and Kirishima take a seat next to him while Kaminari and Sero sit on the opposite couch.

"(Y/N) told me that Todoroki kissed her and that he asked her out." Katsuki looks down at his fiddling fingers. Mina gasps in response while the boys just frown.

"I wonder why she hasn't told me—" Mina is cut off by her phone ringing. She picks it up, "Speak of the devil." A nervous laughter leaves her lips.

Katsuki's eyes widen a bit, "Answer it, and put it on speaker."

"Are you sure?" Kirishima looks at his best friend with concern. Katsuki nods at Mina to answer the phone.

She does.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Mina greets with her cheery voice. She presses the speaker button so that everyone can hear the conversation.

"Hey. There's a lot I need to tell you." You speak through the phone. Katsuki's heart flips at the sound of your voice.

"Tell me." Mina places the phone down on the coffee table. The five teens look at the phone as you speak.

"Well first of all I'm staying with my sister from now on. So if you or the guys ever want to come over, feel free too."

Mina smiles, "That's good to hear! What else happened?"

Everyone listens as you taking a deep breath, "At the hospital, Shoto came to visit me." You start. Everyone's head jerks up at the blond boy. Katsuki gulps and continues to stare at the phone.

"We were talking and then he suddenly kissed me and then asked me out." You breathe out.

"Oh my." Mina trails off, not knowing what to say next, "Did you say yes to him? Do you like him? Tell me girl!"

"I just called him a little while ago saying that I would go out with him. I mean it doesn't hurt to try right? Plus I've never been on a date, let alone asked out. It'd be nice to get to know him more."

Katsuki falls back onto the couch. He buries his face into the pillow. Kirishima sadly rubs his back.

"But there's still something on my mind." You catch Katsuki's attention. He sits up and looks at the phone on the coffee table.

"What's up?" Mina questions.

"It's just...I'm trying to get him off my mind, but I can't. It's like he's always there." You say. Katsuki's eyebrows raise a bit.

"Who is?" Mina asks.

Katsuki heartstrings pull as you take another breath.


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