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"Ouch!" You whine as the nurse touches your nose.

"You're lucky it's not broken. Just keep icing it and you'll be fine." She hands you an ice pack. You thank her and lean back on the bed. Todoroki sat beside you, watching quietly.

"I'm sorry about Rina." He breaks the silence. You turn your head towards him and scoff, "Don't worry about it, she's done far worse."

Todoroki clenches his jaw, "I didn't realize how much she dislikes you."

You look up at the white ceiling and sigh, "It's whatever."

Another moment of silence swept through the room.

"When should we start working on the project?" You ask. Todoroki rests his elbows against his knees, "I was hoping soon. We can start whenever your nose is better."

"We can start tomorrow then. We can meet up at the library during lunch." You tell him. He looks at you for a moment then nods, "If that's what you want."

"You should get back to class, it's already the last period." You glance at the clock. Todoroki sighs and stood up, brushing his shorts, "You're right. I'll see you later then."

You watch as he leaves you alone in the room, "Yeah see you."

It was quiet once again until the door opened; revealing Katsuki and Mina. The two rush over to you.

"How you feeling?" Mina sits at the edge of the bed. Katsuki sits in the chair that Todoroki sat in before.

"I'm alright." You gently touch your nose. Mina sighs with relief while Katsuki clenches his fists, "That Rina bitch is gonna pay."

"Katsuki it's fine." You nervously chuckle. Katsuki looks into your eyes and frowns, "No it's not. Mina told me she hit you on purpose."

"Please Katsuki, just leave it." You look away. He sighs heavily and leans back on the chair. Mina looks at the clock and quickly grabs her bag.

"Crap! I totally forgot I have to make up a quiz in my science class! I'll catch you guys at Sero's house later!"

The door shuts, leaving the two of you alone. It was an awkward silence. You noticed that Katsuki was looking for something in his pockets. You tilt your head in confusion as he hands you a crumbled up paper.

"I made this while in class." He starts as he watches you unfold it, "It's a list of things I want to show you."

You look down the list and your eyes widen.

"I wanted to put more on the list, but I didn't have time

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"I wanted to put more on the list, but I didn't have time." Katsuki looks down at his hands. You smile sweetly with pink cheeks, "You made this for me?"

His cheeks turn red and he avoids your gaze, "Well I did say I was going to show you all the good things in life didn't I? You won't be doing this alone either." His eyes finally meet yours. You couldn't look away from those scarlet eyes. His intense stare made you blush again.

Save Me » Katsuki Bakugou x Reader AU Where stories live. Discover now