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Last night went by pretty quickly. Your mother was sleeping by the time you got home which was a relief. The next day, you leave early to go to school before she could wake up.

It was currently lunch time which means you're going to meet Todoroki for your project. You quickly eat your lunch and grab your books ready to leave, but a voice stops you.

"Where are you going?" Katsuki asks with a raised eyebrow. You hold your books against your chest, "I'm meeting up with Todoroki in the library, so we can work on our project."

Katsuki bites his lip and looks down at his plate of food, "Okay. Have fun then."

You furrow your brows a bit. Why does he look so down? You decide to ask, "Something wrong?"

He snaps his head up at you and quickly shakes his head, "No! Just go work on your project!" He snaps. You were taken back a bit by his tone, but quickly walk it off.

"What was that about?" Kirishima asks Katsuki with a mouthful of apple slices. Katsuki glares at him, "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Mina rolls her eyes, "You just snapped at the poor girl! Are you mad or something?"

Kaminari whispers, "He's always mad—ouch!" Katsuki kicks Kaminari's shin from under the table.

"I'm not mad alright! I'm just tired." Katsuki rests his chin on his palm, "Plus...I don't trust that Todoroki kid."

"Aww you're worried about (Y/N)!" Mina places her palms against her cheeks. Katsuki blushes and sends her a death glare, "No I'm not!"

"Whatever. So movies at my place tonight?" Kaminari asks after taking a bite of his pizza. Everyone agrees except for Katsuki. The four teens turned their heads towards Katsuki, waiting for his answer. Katsuki rolls his eyes, "I'm busy tonight."

"Doing what? You never make plans without us?" Sero raises an eyebrow. Kirishima adds, "Yeah...what exactly are you doing?"

Katsuki clenches his jaw from all the questions, "I have a doctors appointment." He lies. The others nod, oblivious to his lie.

"I'll ask (Y/N) if she wants to come." Mina goes to grab her phone to text you, but Katsuki stops her by placing his hand over hers. Mina gives him a questioning look.

"She told me she has plans with her...mom tonight." Katsuki lies once again. Mina raises an eyebrow this time, "She told you?"

"She told me this morning." Katsuki releases her hand, "No point in texting her."

"Alright then. Guess it'll just be us." Kaminari shrugs.


Back at the library, you and Todoroki sat at empty table, sharing a textbook. As Todoroki reads, you write down notes. You weren't always the best at history, but what Todoroki was reading really interested you.

"You sure wrote a lot down." Todoroki looks at your notebook page filled with blue ink.

"Well it's important stuff." You shrug with a chuckle. Todoroki gives you a soft smile and turns the page of the textbook, "You're really smart; actually you're the smartest in our class."

You didn't expect those words to come out of Todoroki's mouth, but they did. Your face flushes, "T-Thanks! No one has ever called me smart before." You mumble. Todoroki's smile grows wider, "Always remember that you are."

You look away from his blue and gray eyes and bite your lip. The blush not fading away, "Thank you Todoroki."

"Shoto; call me Shoto." He says. You look at him with a bit of shock, but then smile back, "Thank you, Shoto."

Save Me » Katsuki Bakugou x Reader AU Where stories live. Discover now