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Right after Katsuki left, Shoto enters the room. His face is expressionless, but his eyes hold sadness.

"Feeling any better?" He asks while taking a seat on the chair next to your bed. You shrug with a small smile, "I've had worse days."

Shoto sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, "This is all my fault. If I never broke up with Rina, then you would have never gotten hurt."

You frown at him and grab his hand. Tears fill his eyes which makes you want to cry as well. Seeing Shoto putting the blame on himself made you want to reach out, hug him and tell him that it's not his fault.

And that's exactly what you do.

Shoto's eyes widen as your arms wrap around him.

"It's not your fault." You whisper. A tear falls down your cheek, "Please don't blame yourself."

Shoto exhales and hugs you back, "I promise to always look out for you. I won't let her or anyone hurt you again."

You smile into his shoulder. His hand rubbing your back soothingly.

"Thank you, Shoto." You pull away from the embrace. Shoto's hand cups your cheek and he wipes a tear away. You look down at his lips and blush from how close you two are.

Your heart rate increases as he starts to slowly lean in. You don't move an inch until his lips softly touch yours. Thousands of thoughts run through your mind, but you ignore them.

Shoto's lips move in sync with yours. This kiss lasts longer than the kiss with Katsuki.

Realization finally hits you, making you pull away. Shoto's cheeks are just as red as yours.

"(Y/N)." Shoto strokes your cheek. Your mouth is agape as you look up at him through your lashes.

He licks his lips, "Go out with me." He mumbles.

Shock runs through your body, "Shoto I—"

He kisses your nose, "Just take some time to think about it okay?" He stands up and walks out the room without another word. You are left alone with your thoughts. Mixed feelings between the two boys is starting to mess with your brain.

What should I do?

Do I like Shoto?

Or do I like Katsuki?

Should I give Shoto a chance?

What if Rina comes back?

You place your head in your hands and sigh deeply. A knock on the door makes you jump. In comes Deku with a plastic bag.

"Mind if I come in?" He smiles and holds up the bag, "I bought some snacks for you."

You smile and greet him. Deku sits down on the chair where Shoto was and hands you the bag. You rummage through all the different candies he bought for you.

"You didn't have to buy all this for me." You chuckle and take out a chocolate bar. Deku shakes his head, "I heard what happened, I'm just glad that you're okay."

You take a bite out of the candy bar and shrug, "I've been through worse." You trail off, "Also something happened before you came here."

Deku's eyes light up with interest, "What happened?"

You look down at the candy bar and take another bite, "Shoto came in here. He started to blame himself about what happened since he was the one that broke things off with Rina. He then..." You gulp and heat rushes to your cheeks.

"He what?" Deku leans in closer.

"He kissed me and asked me out." You say shyly. Deku's eyes widen to the size of baseballs.

"WHAT?!" He yelps and you quickly reach over to cover his mouth. Deku's eyes are still wide as he rambles into your palm.

"Be quiet!" You shush him. He nods and you slowly remove your palm. Deku takes a deep breath and starts rambling again.

"Oh my God I'm so jealous! What did you tell him? How was the kiss? Did you use tongue? Do you like him? Do—"

You cover his mouth again with a groan, "Calm down first, then I'll answer all your questions. Got it?"

Deku nods again and you remove your hand once more.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything."

Save Me » Katsuki Bakugou x Reader AU Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora