The oher way

15 2 4

Why should I leave?

Why should I go?

What have I done wrong,

To make everyone hate me?

What's the point in going,

If all I need,

Is to stay?


I'll be cracked at heart,

I'll be broken in spirit,

I'll be melted at the core,

But is this adventure,

Worth seeing?


My vision is foggy,

I can't see clearly,

I can't think straight,

My heart is beating,

And I can't make it stop.


I pass out a few times,

In and out and in again,

From consciousness,

Where am I?

Am I alive?

Where will I go?

Will I stay?


What's going on?

Shall I die?

Shall I not?

Why stay?

Why go?

Someone please,

Make sense of this for me.

Why are there so many,

Who are ignoring me?


Poems collection -Self harm (trigger warning)Where stories live. Discover now