Panic Attack

20 2 2

I can feel it coming,

Its all because of you,

You evil witch

You twisted bitch,

How could you do this,

To an innocent mind.


You taunted me

You haunted me

You scolded me,

And I can see no light.

Its because of you,

I'm scared of you.


Whatever I do,

I'm never enough,

You told me so

In your cryptic words.

"Hannah work faster,

Hannah slow down"

What is it miss,

That you want me to do?


Oh my gosh,

I've screamed at you,

But you didn't hear,

I was very close to you,

I could have hit you

But no I resisted

And instead I screamed

"You never listen do you!"

And walked away.


That's when I started crying,

Right there and then,

In your lesson.

But you didn't notice,

You saw me as being weak.

You scolded me some more,

Before I left the door.


You never understand,

You'll never get me,

People don't believe,

That you're an evil bitch.

But I know the truth,

Young Miss H**t,

I know your secrets,

You hate me so.



I lay on my bed,

Sobbing and sobbing,

I'm really just no good.

You hurt me bad,

I'm always sad,

And no one can save me now.


Dedicated to my evil art teacher

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