
90 7 2

It's dark,

I'm on my own,


Just walking.

I slow my pace,

To feel the night

I never knew,

How comforting,

The darkness was.

I hug myself tighter,

Embracing soltitude,

Embracing freedom,

I feel at home.

I keep on going,

There's no one around,

I'm nearly there,

What a shame.

Lighter and lighter,

Steet lamps closer,

Back to humanity,

I must return.

Nearing the door,

The old wooden door,

I look right up,

And see the stars,

Evenly spread,

And individual.

I pause by the door,

Back to the trap,

The prison of life,

My ten minutes of freedom,

Ending in a single breath.

I open the door,

Blinded by lights,

Blinded by lies,

The cycle restarts,

It'll be another week,

Till I feel home again.


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