Chapter 21

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"Good morning doctor Alizondo, I am Kate the training specialist."

"Good morning, nice to meet you"

"I'll be introducing you to your students, please come this way"

She led me into an AVR and saw around 20 students at the room

"I wasn't informed that there'll be a lot!" I chuckled

"Good morning everyone this is Doctor Xia Alizondo Head of the Thoracic Surgery Department of SSMC, she's a very talented doctor and experienced despite her young age"

"Hello nice to meet you, just call me Doctor Xia, I'll be the one teaching you some rough stuff in Thoracic surgery..."

"Doc, we're just curious, how old are you? Well you're young and very pretty"

"Well I'm turning 29 soon"


"Doc aren't you Brix Kim's girlfriend?"

"I guess news do travel fast even miles away..."

"So, it's true oh my God!! You're so lucky!!"

"Ummm guys we could talk about that some other time, today I want to give a lecture for some difficult techniques in Thoracic Surgery"

I gave a lecture and it lasted for 2 hours I told them that I will be meeting them as soon as I found a case patient.

I went around the hospital and looked for a case patient.


I turned around

"It's me Liezel!"

Liezel? Of course, how would I forget? It was her and her friends who gave me a hard time in college and spread rumors about me just because she was jealous of my achievements...

"Oh Hi!" I said...

"Were you in Korea working right!? How come you're here? Did you leave because you broke up with your celebrity boyfriend?"

"Oh... well I'm here for work I'm a training officer sent from Korea to train surgeons here..."

"How long are you going to stay?"

"A month..."

"That's great!! So, you could come to our Home coming party it'll be held five days from now... You should come!"

"Well I'll try"

"Oh! Great! here's the invitation"

"Oh thanks, I –I need to..."

"Oh bye!!"


Well that's so unnatural...

I went to the Cardiology patients' ICU

"Hello, I'm Doctor Xia, I'm--"

"You're the training officer from SSMC, I never imagined you'd be this young..."

"Oh, thank you... I'm looking for a case patient... can you help me to find someone with a difficult case here?"

"We have a patient suffering from Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy over here she was admitted 2 days ago, the case is the patient's quite old that is why doctors suggested that we should not open her up... Well it's almost like telling the family to wait for her death"

"May I see her MRI, CT scan and ECG?"

"Sure, here you go..."

"Well it will be difficult to unclog the congealed muscles of her heart as it was quite vast but it won't be impossible, she can undergo Septal Myectomy, the case is this procedure must require her heart to stop."

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