Chapter 20

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"Snow how in the world am I going to tell Josh?"

I asked while patting Snow

"You don't understand me, right?"


"I'll just clean this house so I could relieve my stress"

I kept cleaning the house for hours...

"Haaaaaaa!! Finally! everything's clean..."

*Ring *ring


<Sunbae I'm so sorry to call you when it's your day off, but we need you at the hospital>

<O-okay be there in a while>

I went to the hospital

"Why what happened?"

"42 years old woman in a car accident broke 4 of her ribs and a glass was punctured in her chest from the windshield of the car..."

"Did you already take her CT and X-ray"

"Yes, we did... here's the result"

"Prepare an OR and request Crossmatch STAT!"

"Yes sunbae"

I was heading to my office so I could change


"Josh? why are you here?"

"We need to talk..."

"Is it urgent? I need to go! Talk to you later..."

I ran away and head to my office to change and then to the OR, I operated the patient and removed the big shard of glass that almost pierced her heart.

"If this shard was deeper, she could've lost her life..."

"Yeah... she's lucky"

"Close her up, good work everyone!!"

I went outside and head to my office...

<To: Josh

You said you want to say something?>


Oh... yeah meet me at the roof top?>

<To: Josh

Be right there>

I immediately went to the rooftop but I don't see josh around...

"Oh? There's a letter..."

[ Dear Xia,

Hi it's Josh I'm sorry if I couldn't face you and left this letter instead. I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for making things difficult for you. I know I'm not the one you wish to be with but I pretended not to notice and disregard what you feel. Xia, thank you for keeping up with me, I am setting you free. I guess our love story has really ended, that we can no longer write a sequel, if I have known that I'd be losing you forever then I shouldn't have let you go before. By the time you read this letter I'll be heading back home to the Philippines. Don't worry about me. Anyway, I'll still be coming back to Korea to finish my project by the way I'm working for Brix I just knew recently that he was my client. Xia go back to where your heart belongs, you both deserve to be happy. I still love you that I am willing to set you free.


I don't know but tears fell down my eyes... I feel happy that I'm free, on the other side I felt guilty because I couldn't give him the love he was looking for and I felt guilty for hurting him.

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