Chapter 4

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"I'm Xia Alizondo the assigned surgeon, this my first major operation with you, we will open the chest and remove the shreds first and lookout for haemothorax, there's a puncture on the area near the location of Superior Vena Cava we should be watchful with that."

"Let's remove the 1st shred near the area of SVC"

I reached with the clamp ready to remove the 1st shred but...

"Team leader, the blood pressure is going down!" said Woonyoung

"Let's remove this quickly, meanwhile try to control the blood pressure, and increase the drop of blood"

"it has really punctured through half of the SVC"

"gauze!" I quickly controlled the blood to stabilize his BP

"Normal BP's back"

"Oh thank goodness!! now we may confidently remove the other shreds"

The rest of the operation went well even the haemothorax was taken care off.

"good job everyone, Bona please close now"

"yes, team-leader"

I walked out of the OR and went to Brix's parents and told them how the operation went and saw their relieved faces.

"Doc thank you" said his mother

"It was my job ma'am" I said and slowly turned around to leave

"I saw you shed a tear earlier, do you know my son?"

I turned around to face her again

"I'm a fan of his for 16 years already I became a doctor with him as my inspiration I was just taken aback when I saw you ma'am because I recognized you as I have seen you appear in one of their reality shows, I didn't expect this would happen to him"

"you're such a good person, thank you again"

"it's nothing ma'am it was my job to save lives, I'll be checking his condition from time to time you may visit him at the ICU after an hour, I'll get going now."

I turned and left, and went to the locker room to change. When I was changing my dress, I was thinking about being glad that I became a surgeon and saved his life but I also thought of why did this happen to him when he never acted out even once. Yes, we found out that he's drunk while driving because the odor of the liquor is sticking on his clothes. Maybe he has a problem but I don't think it's about his family because I know how good of a son he is to his parents.

6 am, I went out of the hospital and head home so I could at least change my clothes and wash so I could return to the hospital immediately. I couldn't have my breakfast because I was too worried about him. That's why I went back as soon as I finished my business at home.

*knock! *knock!


"good morning Director Jung"

"Yes! Yes! Have a sit Dr. Alizondo, I heard your team called you for a major operation earlier. How did it go?"

"Thankfully it went well, I wanted to say something regarding that operation"

"Yes, please continue"

"Since it was my first case here, I would like to watch over him until he recovers"

"So, you wanted to start working ahead of the said schedule of your official work?"

"Yes, if you would allow me to"

"Well of course! if that's what you want, is he someone you know?"

"Well sort of? H-he's actually a member of an idol group I like, and he's been a big part on how I achieved my goals."

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