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Imagine you're on a date with your boyfriend

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Imagine you're on a date with your boyfriend. You've been together for a couple of months and were friends for a year or so beforehand. Even though you've known Johnny for this long, you're stomach still overloads with butterflies every time you see him.

Your stomach is swirling with butterflies right now as you both give your orders to the waiter. Johnny offers for you to go first, but you shake your head no, saying you still need to decide. When Johnny has finished reciting his order, you look to the waiter and tell him what you want. "Thanks." You call out to the waiter as he walks away.

Facing Johnny once again, you see him looking at you, a dreamy look in his eyes, a small smile on his lips and his head is resting on his hand. You blush under his gaze. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You're just beautiful, that's all." He smiles softly, his eyes shining.
"Oh, um, thank you John," you blink a couple times, suddenly nervous. "You're beautiful too."
"Thanks Y/N/N."

At that point, the waiter comes over with your drinks. You thank him before taking a sip of your drink. Once again, you turn to Johnny and see that he's still looking at you in that way. Before you can stop drinking to question him again he takes a deep breath. "I love you." He blurts out. Your eyes widen as you almost choke on your drink, making Johnny laugh. He's never said that to you before so you just assumed he didn't feel as strongly about you as you did him.

"Y/N?" He asks, now looking uncertain.
Realising you hadn't responded you put your drink down and clear your throat. "I-I , um , I love you too."
At these words, Johnny's face lights up, instantly looking even happier than before. You give him a tentative smile.

Before when you've confessed your deep feelings to previous boys, it's always ended horribly. But this time you feel that everything will be okay. You know you can trust Johnny with your heart. And it just so happens that he can trust you with his.

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