thank you

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authors note:
wow. never in a million years would i have thought that this book of imagines would reach nearly 100k reads. that is absolutely CRAZY to me and i truly appreciate it so much. it means the world to me that my imagines have been read that many times!

this book will always have a special place in my heart because it was what kept me writing and although i haven't done much of that recently - it still makes my heart warm to think of what this book has done for me.

i honestly cannot thank you enough for the support you've shown me and this book, I could not be more grateful for all the comments and dms and everything you've done.

however, i feel it's time i leave this book here for now, i haven't been feeling writing recently at all so i think i need to try and direct my efforts elsewhere. maybe one day I'll come back to it, who knows!

i am trying to get back into writing so do keep your eyes peeled as there may be some new things coming soon🤷‍♀️

for now,
thank you. so much.
love to you all!

- mia <3

Johnny Orlando ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now