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Imagine that one of the things you admire most about Johnny is his ability to love and to care

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Imagine that one of the things you admire most about Johnny is his ability to love and to care. Not just about you, but about his family, friends and even his dogs.

Today is one of those days where you can really see this.
Almost as soon as you walk through the door he showers you with love and attention, first hugging you and then kissing you lovingly. Then he breaks out into a huge smile. "Do you want to walk the dogs with me today?"
"Of course, where are they?"
"They should be in here." He takes your hand and walks you into the living room and you see Bentley and Leo sprawled out on the floor.

You and Johnny both go over and give them some fuss before John stands up and calls out in and adorable high pitched voice. "Walkies!"
The dogs skitter out of the room, waiting by the front door.

Once they've got their leads on, you hold your hand out for Johnny to pass you one but he shakes his head, smiling. "Come on, you know I like to walk two of my babies at the same time."
"Two of your babies? Where are your other babies?" You raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"Oh, you're the third." He winks and then ushers you out the door.

Standing at the top of the steps, you wait for John to lock up. When he does, he skips past you, talking to the dogs in his cute voice again. Then he pauses, turning back to you, grinning. "C'mon Y/N/N! We're waiting for you."
"I'm coming, I'm coming." You say, walking towards the three of them, laughing at Johnny's excitement.

When you all reach the gate, he transfers the other lead so he has both in one hand and reaches for your hand with his other. You take his warm, slightly calloused hand in yours as he squeezes it. "Guess what?" He asks, smirking. "Now I'm walking all three of my babies."

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