Chapter 6

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Hi, Hope you're enjoying the story so far! There will be some degrading in this chapter.

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Y/N opened her eyes and squinted as a reflex to the liquid that casted down her head.

Despite it being in her eyes, it was rather cold.

This is what the servants called a "bath". Dumping buckets of water on her until she was clean.

The servants that were washing her subconsciously kept quiet.
Y/N's head was low, and her eyes were hazy. Cloudy even. Complexion was her biggest give away, she was unhappy...

She was bothered.
Of course she would...
She was just told she's going to live as a servant for some hotheaded princess who she can't find any humanity in...

One of the servants crooked her head up and propped it to look at Y/N.

"I'm- Anastasia..hey look I'm not supposed to talk to you..but, you seem sad."
Anastasia said as she continued to splash diluted perfume on Y/N's leg.

Anastasia lacked in height, her eyes were wide and so brown almost black. Her long Blonde hair almost looked white. She didn't look like she was from here.

The rest of the servants took this as an opportunity to anxiously cast their view on the youngest servant.
"Oh really..."
Y/N sarcastically stated.

"I- I'm sorry, I spoke out of turn."
Anastasia pulled her head down and continued to run the perfume water smoothly on Y/N's legs.

"My name's Li."
A thick yet feminine voice said.

The girls retract their heads to the tallest and eldest servant.

She had a firm build, light fluffy hair that reached her ears. Of course her head was covered with a bandanna. Her eyes were a dull gray, with that dullness it complimented her dark locks perfectly.

The air in the room was stiff.
Y/N didn't respond.
She just worked her way through the awkwardness by sitting up straight.

Not effective, but it did make her look like she was actually listening to what they were saying.

"..That's Bao..."
Anastasia nooks her head towards the brunette that was folding clothes in the corner.
She has brown hair with bangs. It was mid length with layers. Her hair had more flavor than her. Her eyes are a dark mahogany.

You can tell she didn't like it here, her eyes had not the slightest of emotion.

"Don't worry she's always like that"
Anastasia whispers.

Soon the blonde stands up, her red flats meet the floor.

"Just know you're really lucky, you're higher than the servants that basically raised Azula! They give her baths...and brush her hair...and give her manicures. I don't really know what you'll be doing, but! It HAS to be important if we're getting you all dressed up. I can't believe they let us dress you up in a Qipao!"
Anastasia blabbers.

Li looks over and hits Anastasia with the brush she was brushing Y/N's hair with.
"Quiet you! Get back to work!"
Her face scrunched in annoyance

Y/N didn't find their company bothersome. But it was distracting her.

Her hair was finally done.
Sharp bun on top of her head and loose in the back.

She didn't expect anything extravagant, she was a servant after all.

"Your clothing are ready,"
A Monotone voice flooded the room.

Y/N stands up from the small wooden stool.

"Thank you."
She grabs the clothes from the brunette.

She bows and treks down to the dressing room.


Azula was getting impatient.
Her foot constantly tapping against the velvet carpet.
Her hands resting on the armor she wore.

Subconsciously, she began to ball her fist.
Waiting isn't something she took fondly...

Azula once again, had to come get Y/N.
She had to show Y/N to her chambers.

Soon the double doors slowly open.
Y/N peekearound the gold delightful design of the sturdy doors.
In the hallway she saw beautiful torches lit, orange wallpaper to compliment the fire accent, lastly decorated with a red carpet. It was cozy but, intimidating...

"Look at me!"
Azula screams.
Yanking Y/N's collar she raises a fist.

Y/N raises her hands in defense.
With that Azula's forehead casted an irritated vein.

"Shut Up!"
She shouts.

Y/N squeezed her eyes together.
Her throat was heavy. She felt overpowered, because she was.

Azula sighs.
"You know how long I stood out here? I'm starting to think...You persuade yourself higher than me? Ha! I don't even know your name, but I've been running around wearing my ass off my waist, just for something like you. In fact, you should be on your knees begging me to forgive you..."

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