Chapter 18

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The guard yanks Y/N closer to his side,
"Would you calm down?!" The guard whispers.
"No!" Y/N screamed throwing her abused body on the velvet floor.

"Ugh! You have to cooperate, stay quiet.." The guard frantically waved around. He looked around in a panic.

Y/N slowly stopped her thrashing and screaming when the voice became more distinct.
The guard took this as an advantage to kneel in front of the girl.
She slightly backed away.
He gripped her shoulders and whispered.

"I'm about to show you something, but promise not to scream..." The guard whispered.

Y/N's once neutral face contorted to that of disgust.
"What is with guards and flirting with the servants here???!" Y/N tried to scoot away.

"What no! Nothing like that!!" The guard waved and shook his head rapidly.

Y/N stopped and looked at him slightly irritated.

"Just stay calm...." He said. Looking around once more.
His hand reached under his helmet that covered his face.

Slowly removing the straps of the helmet. Slowly the rest of his dark skin was revealed, his shoulders slightly tensing as he lifted his helmet over his blue eyes. Finally, the helmet lifted above his forehead.

The ponytail made it obvious who it was.
"Water tribe boy!!!" Y/N screeched at the top of her lungs.

Sokka quickly put his finger over her mouth.
"SHHHHH!!! Do you want us to get caught?!"
"S-sorry....It's just so surprising to see you water-tribe boy!"

"Sokka." He said getting up, slowly helping Y/N on her feet.

"Sorry, Sokka." Y/N sighed.
"It's no problem...." Sokka spoke as he maneuvered through the golden light hallways.
Y/N couldn't help but stare at Sokka, completely flabbergasted.
Before making their way down to turn on a hall, Y/N stopped them.
"Wait! The chef's sleeping quarters are right there." Y/N whisper shouted.

Sokka looked down at Y/N in contempt.
"Trust me..." Sokka spoke.
Y/N thought of her chances of actually escaping so she nodded her head.
Sokka slid back on his helmet. He went behind Y/N and put her hands behind her back. Slowly he reached his head next to her ear.
"Follow my lead..." he whispered.

The two made their way down the hallway. Carefully stepping across the red velvet carpet.
As if it was planned, the iron door to the chef's quarters swung open.

His big figure bounced as he waddled around dancing.
Y/N was used to it and so was anyone else who was a resident of the palace.

The chef noticed the two and smiled sweetly through his mustache.
"Good afternoon sweet Y/N- Oh my! You look terrible my sweet! Are you okay?"

"No talking to the prisoner sir!" Sokka shouted.
The chef was astonished.
"Prisoner, Y/N?" He put his finger on one of his chins.

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