Chapter 3

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Third person

Azula was in her mirror.
Her room was dark.
She was in only a silk robe.

The scent of jasmine tea filled her room.

She brushed her hair in it's casual hairstyle.

She set down the brush

"Azula, how do you do it?"
She sighed and smiled.

She pounders in the mirror for a little longer before calling for one of the servants.

She felt rather stiff this morning, a bath might help.

The bell rung and slim lady with blonde hair quickly shuffled in.

Her hair looked brown because of the sun bouncing off of Azula's red wine curtains, causing the room itself to have a dark red tint.

"Yes, Princess Azula?"
She bowed.

"Gather the female servants, I want a bath."
Azula sighed.

Leaning in her chair as she stared closely at her vanity admiring the jewelry she had spread out.

"Yes, right away Princess."
The blonde shuffled out of the dark room.
Closing the double doors behind her.

"What should I do today?"
Azula looked up as she thought.

Azula could ask her father for a couple of guards so she can walk the town.
But what fun would that be?
She could go outside and burn down trees. She would get in trouble for sure.
Feed the turtle ducks?
How about visit Tylee?

Azula was indecisive. She clawed at her lip as she thought. She did not want to waste such a perfect day.

Maybe she could try on all of the clothes in her closet?

She sighed.
"Maybe I could torment some kids while eating some fire flakes"

Shortly after, she realized that there were still a few errands that needed to be done on her own. Of course if it wasn't so serious she would have made one of the servants do it, but when it comes to Azula and her strength; she's a bit of a try hard. She didn't discuss it with her father or the squire, so it's not on her agenda.

"Where is that peasant?"
Azula was getting impatient.

Right on cue the double doors slightly open.

"Um, princess..your bath is ready."
The blonde servant states.

"Very well, I'll be down shortly."
Azula stood up from her chair.


Azula was in the bath house.
A large pool like tub was filled with steaming hot spring water.
It was bright blue and clear, filled with roses.

Azula smiled at the smell of steaming roses. Although she loves the smell of smoke, she can't help a grin creep over her face when she smells flowers.

She out stretched her arms as the maids took off her robe.

Undoing her bun, she walks towards the bath.

Each step got her further and further in the water. When she was engulfed in it from the waist down. She sat. Relaxing and feeling the servants pour diluted rice water out of the Ming dynasty vases, down her hair which ran down her back.

Some servants even added a few more roses.

Azula may have been a monster, but she was still a princess.

Azula's hair was long and silky.

The maid takes a jade comb and starts to lightly comb her hair.

Feeling the tangles escape her hair was rather pleasant.
Her hair was coated in the rise water.
Which was soon rinsed out by one of the servants.
They rolled her hair in a noodle and spun it in a bun.
"Would you like a flower to finish the look princess?"
The servant asked holding a white rose still with the stem.

Azula looked at it in disgust.
The servant got the message and hurried towards the other end of the bath to find something else to do other than bother Azula.

Others were either giving her a manicure or scrubbing her feet.

"Princess, would you like to hear your agenda?"
One of the servants asked.

Azula nodded.

The brunette pulls out a scroll.

"Well, for today it's pretty much clear.
You'll have a very important meeting with your father at one o'clock. The rest of the day is yours."
She states, putting away the scroll.

Servants brought in trays of refreshments.
It was a mini paradise-

"What time is it now?"
Azula asked.

The servant squeaked.
Noticing where she messed up.

Azula eyes were struck open.
"You idiot!"
She quickly climbed out the bath.

The servants were trying to hurry and dry her.

"I'm very sorry Princess. I lost track of time, I-"

"Enough! I'll deal with you later!"
Azula shouts.

She put on her royal armor.
It looked a bit rushed, but she had three minutes..

Trying to rush out of the bath house,
she makes it to the main hallway.

"Hopefully father will excuse my tardiness!"
She states clearly nervous.


She makes it in the room and immediately falls to her knees.

"Sorry for being late father, can't find good servants now a days..."
Azula curses.

Ozai looked down at his daughter from his thrown.
His eyebrow raised and his eyes were less dark than usual.
Maybe it was because the fire around him seemed to grow over time.

"Not to matter Azula. I called you here today to see if you can find my brother's shipment."
Ozai smirks.

"Shipment? Excuse my tongue father, but I'm not a messenger. Shouldn't you have one of the servants? Or Admiral Zhao?"
Azula's face scrunches up.

"Yes, but it seems your agenda is clear today. We are pretty limited on servants, and Admiral Zhao is out and about in the Earth kingdom. Petty excuses but I'd feel like you will get the job done faster."
Ozai eyed his daughter as he spoke.

Azula wanted to shout.

"Yes father."

"Take the boat towards Funiku island. There should be the shipment from Iroh, I don't have a clue what it is. But it must be valuable."
Ozai spoke.
"You are dismissed.."

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