Chapter 24

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A/N : GUYS IVE BEEN HACKED FOR OVER A MONTH!:&:&;&; literally my passwords were not working LMAO😕

Azula POV:

My shaky breath clouded the marbled under my body...

My temperature rising as I kneel before the manifestation of "agony" in front of me.

My father...

"Azula...Why are you not tracking down the avatar?" He asked, his fingers caressing his beard-crowded chin as he pondered at me.

The thought of the Avatar made me start to shake even more aggressively than before.

Biting the inside of my cheek, my gaze lifted and zoned in on the man's expression being displayed. Cringing inwardly at the wounds and marks that lined my face, I instead let out an audible groan at the constant reminder of my failures.

"I apologize Father, the prisoner is with the avatar making hast to someone or somewhere I not know of yet. But when we track her down, I promise'll have the avatar."

And I can have the girl...

"...what do we do Aang?"
I asked concerned at the route we were taking to the Earth Kingdom.

"Hey hey hey!! You know he's not the leader of this operation...right??" Sokka exclaims swinging around his boomerang.

"You're so loud today Ponytail" Toph scoffs as she hits him with a rock.

Aang knits his eyebrows together as if he was contemplating something. He must be frustrated, honestly I am too.

Such a short time felt like an eternity. It's like I almost forgot the fellow prisoners I shared a room with and focused only on Azula. She seemed like such a kindled spirit disguised by a nasty hatred towards humanity.
I honestly hate her guts.

Hair styled nicely without a single stray strand in place, face looking smooth and glowing, neck and ears adorned with elegant accessories, everything seems to be in place except for Azula's dress. She wears the black dress that was prepared earlier and slips her body in it. The dress hugs her figure perfectly, I help her insert her arms around the holes and place the straps on her shoulders. She attempts to zip up the back of the dress but it really is testing her flexibility. Still, she manage to get it halfway done but can't continue it anymore up to the nape. Struggling for a good few minutes; she couldn't help but call for my attention by turning her head from the mirror to look directly at me.

"Do you need me to say anything?" Azula scoffs loudly.

Hurriedly, I scurry to go touch the back of her dress.

My fingers touch the zipper, and I feel the soft vibration of Azula's skin as I made contact with her back. I couldn't really see the zipper, so I moved closer. With that, I got a whiff of what scent she was wearing that night.
Her body smelt like ash and whatever Flored Water she used to perfume herself.

She smelt heavenly.
Like burnt caramel and sweet sauna.

Her long dark hair tickled my nose as it falls slightly from her bun, making my movements more fidgety.

"If you break my zipper, I won't hesitate to snap your neck...girl"

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