Mission Girlfriend

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So Param ki bandi mission starts.

But how could Param have a girlfriend, I mean he is Param after all!

Meanwhile Monu and Kalu also started talking to her and it's been almost a week since we started playing badminton with her.

Param called with his usual Ross like ," hi"  (friends reference ) . This guy says hello and I wanna kill myself .

After a lot of persuasion, he told me that today was Naina's birthday .Before he could say anything else , I straightaway said ," No to whatever you're thinking . Stop ,like it's hardly been a week and you want to give her a birthday gift . I think it would be too soon ."

To which he replied , " Hey , I just want to write a 'happy birthday ' message …….Oh And maybe a cake ?". 

So I told him this is the reason why guys like you remain in the friend zone . This was it . I mean he was practically planning to hiscare her instead of impressing her. I mean who does it yaar.

She also came to play after a while. We were playing in front of Monu's house. I was tired and lazy so I was seated on the ground while Monu, Param , Naina and Kalu played badminton.

I was minding my own business and talking to someone on instagram . I don't exactly remember her name.

Suddenly Naina was next to me, probably picking up a shuttle or something . She asked if i was talking to my 'bandi' , to which I told her my sad katha and told her that I had broken up with her this Saturday but my friends still don't believe me. I said the last statement with a shrug to which she gave me a side look .

Then as a way to continue the conversation , I asked ,"What about your boyfriend? ",

To which she replied , " yes i have a boyfriend".

That's when Monu interrupted us and said to Naina , "You were in Vimukta Coaching Classes right? Mrinal went there too ".

She had a confused look. She said ,"I never saw him ? ,"

So I told her that puberty didn't hit me hard then and hence I wasn't so handsome that everyone would remember me or that I'll leave an impression on girls .

She told me that she had left the tuition centre after 10th standard and chose arts stream.

I said ,"I remember you, but I have only seen you once when I was sitting behind Aashima and you were next to her giving the tests. Hemant and Kanishk were behind you. I was in 9th."

" I remember Hemant and kanishk but not you. It's weird ." she said.

I again reminded her of my lack of presence and that I was right next to them .

I said I was right next to them in the corner, forget I didn't have much of a presence but still Vimukta was a memorable place.

We talked about a bunch of things, but she wasn't able to pronounce my name.

She told us that she had a boyfriend named Rahul when she was in Vimukta Coaching. Monu knew him. And I love this story every time I heard it, as it was different every time she told it. 

So she tells us that she and Rahul, both had best friends who were dating each other and they were pursuing the same career path.

Rahul wanted to be like them so started forcing her to join his college like a possessive angry type of boyfriend who wanted to control her or something, something it changed every time.  

So he asked her to change her career path. She told him that they were different people.They can't be like their best friends , She wanted different things so they had a big fight and then they broke up .By this time her mother was here to pick her up.

From then on we as in Naina and I started talking. It was quite easy then , I also got her Instagram account which was a fake one . She did so her parents won't check it.She also had like 3 Snapchat accounts  and she gave me one of them .Also  I don't know why but everyone had her number except me.

Then finally she asked for my phone number and that's when we exchanged contacts. 

Never be the first one to ask her anything.

Play slow, play safe.

It has been a few days now and she still can't pronounce my name. So I texted her on Instagram and she read my name and said ,"Well now I get it. "

Now everything was going fine . But then, enters her elder sister. She came to visit her one day .She lived in her neighborhood only and she told Naina that she should date Kalu…. 

Editing: @somethingcrazylikeme

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