Life After Death

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The teen's brows knit together, mild confusion overtaking her features upon hearing her mothers revelation. "Wouldn't they call me? I'm his only real family."

"Usually, yeah, but you're not 18 yet so, I'm technically next of kin."

The minor defeat that grew over Betty's oval pale face had Alice's shattered heart sink to pits of her stomach, and she was finding it even harder to paint on a smile of strength and support for the young girl. All she wanted to do in that moment was take her pain away, however, it wasn't an option, and she had to deal with it the best way she could.

"But that doesn't mean you can't take charge of the funeral plans." Alice gently proposed in support, stroking the tears away from her cheeks and shifting the loose strands of hair out of her face. "There's so much to be done."

"Like what?" Betty challenged in a sniffle.

"Like the casket, burial or cremation, the wake. Maybe FP could let us use the Wyrm." She hoped, concluding with a understanding smile.

"What about music?" Betty wondered innocently, her formerly disheartened expression switching to one of focus, and the change didn't go unnoticed by Alice, as it was exactly the reaction she hoped for.

She thought giving Betty the idea of putting her energy into the planning her fathers funeral would at least soften the blow to her fragile little heart and bring her some peace.

"Sure. What kind were you thinking?"

"Every Breath You Take." Betty announced in a soft tone, the corner of her lips curling into a smile as she cast her mind back to memories of Brody singing the Police song with such pride but very poor tone. "It was his favourite song. I think he'd want that played at some point."

"Okay." Alice agreed, resting a comforting hand on top of her daughter's. "What else?"

"A grey suit. He always said-"

"Black made him look fat." Betty & Alice simultaneously added with a giggle as she mimicked her former late flame.

"How are we gonna pay for it?" Betty wondered. She wanted Brody to have the best service money could buy but funerals were expensive, and her mothers budget would barely cover the cost of a casket. "Maybe I should use my winnings-"

"The heck you will." Alice softly demurred, "You leave this all to me, okay?" She insisted, briefly taking her palm to Betty's soft face, letting go shortly after as the young girl nodded in agreement with minimal smile.

"Now where's your sister? Breakfast is getting cold." Alice obstructed as she turned to approach the stove and return to her cooking.

"She left already."

"What?" Alice faltered in a tone laced with terror, abruptly whipping her head around to glare at her youngest. Her diamond blue eyes gaping with dilated pupils, feat overtaking her features as her breaths quickened and she tried her hardest to suppress it.

"Yeah, she went to school anyway." Betty confirmed before examining her Alice's sudden concerning response leaving her puzzled.

Naturally, Alice's expression left her unsettled. Sure she had told the both of them to stay home after the news of Brody's death as they needed to grieve properly, but it wasn't like Polly had defied her strict rulings to attend a party, it was just school.

However, Alice had failed to disclose the real reason behind her seemingly misplaced anger  and wanting the girls to remain indoors. With Hiram on the loose and on the rampage, possibly aware of her whereabouts, she couldn't take the risk of any of her daughters being out alone or unsupervised.

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