Anndd...She's miffed. Typical...or wait a minute...

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"You had to know it was coming," I said casually.
Amaya was ignoring me.
"I DID IT!" she spun around, holding a small ice sculpture shaped like something weird.
"Is that....a fairy? With...a tail?" I blinked, realising she had effectively stopped the topic I was originally aiming for. "Have you been trying to make that this whole time, or were you trying to think up some way to pretend you weren't mad at Zuko?"
"Why would I be mad?" she frowned. "Also, it is indeed a fairy. It's the Fairy Tail emblem. I had just remembered that part of waterbending involves ice, so I wondered if I could make something that delicate with my bending. Do you have any idea how hard-"
"Blondie! Breath!" I had to cut off her rambling before she gave me a headache. "I have no idea what fairy tale you're talking about-"
"No, no! Tail as in a cat's tail, not a tale as in a tale you tell."
"Do fairies even have tails?"
"No one knows. It's an eternal mystery!"
I snorted at that. "Stop changing the subject."
"What were we talking about?"

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