Move oolong... Nothing to tea here!

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A/N: I'm still not sorry.  I can't believe I've missed so many tea puns.  Regardless, look at you lucky folks.  Two chapters in one day!  And no, I'm not procrastinating!  Much.  Anyway. The song up top is called Sakura Kiss, I think, the piano version and from Ouran Host Club.  Enjoy~  Amaya out~.

The next day, I chose to do something for once. I was tired, tired of being sad. Tired of not feeling happy. Tired of being tired. I was also grumpy and resentful, though I'd forgotten why. I know it had something to do with Zuko, and every time I thought of him, my chest hurt, so I decided to not. I could either lie in bed all day and feel sorry for myself over something that was out of my hands, or I could take charge.

I was gonna start with food. Zuko and Iroh had left early to get to work, so I wandered around the kitchen making food and cleaning - because frankly, it was starting to look like only men lived here, oh except the flowers, but I avoided those mostly. I had a terrible habit of accidentally killing plants by drowning or dehydration—Waterbender, who was lousy with water. The irony is not lost on me. Once I'd eaten, I decided the next course of action was a good long walk.

I planned to be home before the other two, with food and tea waiting and an early bedtime for me, but in the meantime, I had to stretch my legs and clear the cobwebs from my head.

My shoulder was starting to heal better, and now that I wasn't feeling lousy, my bending had improved again. Clearly, there was an emotional link.

Pretty sure my shoulder was going to scar, but at least I still had the arm.

"Silver linings, Amaya," I told myself as I fixed clean bandages in place awkwardly. 

Once that was dealt with, and I was dressed, I headed out. My basket sat next to the door, the flowers inside looking a little... sad and withered.

I sighed and put them in a vase with water before ACTUALLY leaving the apartment.

I think I walked for like ten minutes when a piece of paper smacked me in the face.


I fell over, and pulled the paper off my face, then glared at the sky.

"What the hell!? Jerk!" I glared at the paper, then frowned.

Pretty sure I know that kid. And the furball.

"Hmm, let's see...Bison... missing... Avatar. Oh! That's right, Avatar," I crumpled the paper up and looked around. 

There were no bins, and while there were flyers everywhere, I felt bad tossing it on the ground, so I stuck it in a pouch on my hip and went shopping.

"Now, I feel like something hot and meaty for dinner," and so I went shopping and tried to distract myself from the feeling that there was something left unsaid that needed to be said. 

An elephant in the room, if you will.

I didn't want to face it. It hurt too much to face and was easier to ignore.  

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