A farewell to remember...

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A/N: Morning, My Marvellous Mortals! Tis I again! SashaL the Amazing! I wanted to say Hi and Thanks for putting up with us and my terrible writing skills. Amaya is so much better ;) Give her my love for me by going and reading her stories too. And have some love for yourself too!

In other news, I only have about 6 months before I come home from my mission! I'm in England! These Brits are awesome! High Five to all the English peeps out there!

A/N2: So, as the first A/N mentioned, this one was written by SashaL himself.  We're literally on the home stretch for this book, and I'm not gonna lie. I'm blown away by the number of people reading this.  I get so happy when I see regular readers, too, like popping up with their votes and comments.  Go, you guys, for sticking through all this!  Anyway, keep voting, sharing, commenting and whatever.  Much love, Amaya out~

After a good nights sleep, we decided to part ways outside Steve's place. Oh, and by good night's sleep, I mean a mix of pacing the room, wondering where Amaya was, trying to sleep, more pacing, getting angry at the universe for its cruelty and trying my hardest not to burn the house down.

With The Island gone, that left Muteki and me as the last two natives. The two girls weren't born on The Island. They'd like to think they were, though. Freaking Saffas.

But today, the others were ready to meet the new day. I was grumpy. I was currently loathing life and all that professed to be good in this world.

Aang and his gal pal were off to the side having a moment, then Sokka interrupted it with a noogie to Aang's head. I wanted to slap him. But only temporarily. I think Katara shared my thoughts. She said as much with that incredulous look.

"Aang and Sokka," Steve called. "I wish you a good journey!"

Aang was still in a headlock.

"Mogui!" Steve turned to look at me. "You take care of them."

"Meh," I shrugged. "They'll be alright."

"Ba Sing Se owes you its thanks, and we look forward to your return."

We all bowed to the king.

Again, I say we. The others did, and I just nodded at him. Regally, of course. You can't just nod at a king. It has to be regal.

I was getting too caught up in my own thoughts, which was probably why I gave an undignified yelp as a hand clapped me on the back.

Muteki stood there, a broad grin splitting his face. He was happy we had Appa back. Glad we had edified the king, ecstatic for the help on its way and also looking troubled. Nothing in his mannerisms gave that last one away. It was his eyes. They were darker than usual.

"You take care, man!" He grinned at me. "And give my love to Katara and Sokka's dad."

"He raised a fine pair," I replied, almost in deadpan.

"You alright?" The giant dropped the grin.

"Yeah," I lied. "Just tired." 

It wasn't a total lie.

"I miss her too," his grip on my shoulder tightened. "But you shouldn't keep it all in."

"Who said it was Amaya?"

"I didn't," his eyebrow quirked up. "You just did, though."

"I'm just worried."

"Maybe you'll see them on your flight," the grin was back.

"I hope not."


"What if I don't like what I find?"

He was silent for a bit. Then we were interrupted by a messenger.

"Your Majesty," the guy in green yelled. "There are three female warriors here to see you. They're from the island of Kyoshi."

My hopes soared as he spoke but crashed as he said the last two words. Of Kyoshi. Not home. Home's gone... truly gone.

"That's Suki!" Sokka yelled, freezing mid-climb. He then proceeded to fall over himself.

"You know these warriors?" Steve asked.

"Oh yeah!" Sokka got excited. "The Kyoshi warriors are a skilled group of fighters, trustworthy too. They're good friends of ours."

"Then we shall welcome them as honoured guests," King Steve smiled and nodded regally.

"To be honest," I muttered to no one, "unless it's Amaya or Ty Lee, I couldn't care less."

"You mean the girl from the Serpent's Pass?" Muteki smiled, nudging Sokka.

The boy fell over again under the barrage. The fall didn't hide the pink on his cheeks.

Katara then pulled Aang aside and slapped a kiss on him so hard he turned red as a beetroot.

"All this mushy stuff!" I threw my hands in the air. "Let's get going!"

"Just wait," Jin appeared out of nowhere. "Where's my goodbye?"

I allowed a small smile to eat my face. With spread arms, I walked to her... then she slugged me in the shoulder. She squeaked when I hugged her anyway. It reminded me of Amaya. Roughly the same height, too... perfect for hugging.

At least until she jabbed me in the ribs.

Meanwhile, Toph, Aang and Katara were having their own cuddle before absorbing Sokka into the middle. Muteki joined shortly after; then Jin jumped in too. I chuckled and wrapped myself around the group. Katara snuggled close on my left as Muteki tickled my right.

Then we split. Jin waved at me from the other side of the group as I mounted Appa. Muteki stood there, holding Toph by the shoulders, smiling up at us. Katara waved to Aang, who blushed again.

"Yip Yip!" Sokka yelled, and we were off.

With that farewell, you would expect that we wouldn't be coming back... and if we did, we would never be the same again.  

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