Mission Possible

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A/N: so SashaL wants me to ask everyone who wants to take part in a little competition thing. Basically, the closer we get to the end of this book, the closer we get to the next book, which doesn't have cover art. We would like everyone who can or wants to come up with a new image to be used for the next one. The one we like best will be featured as the art for the Book of Fire, which is also nameless at this point. Your image can feature any or all of the characters in Accidental Avatar, your favourite ship or whatever. It just needs to be relevant to the theme of fire :) This will be ongoing, and you can submit them to me (AmayaDisapproves) or SashaL right up until this book comes to its conclusion. But otherwise, please enjoy, vote and comment. Love y'all!

A/N2: Hey everybody! Thanks for reading! We've found another way of getting our cover art things done, but thank you to those of you who expressed your enthusiasm! We love you, so chin up and keep going! <3 


We were all crouched down in one of the Terra Team's abandoned trenches as we prepared to take down the drill.

"Once I whip up some cover, you're not gonna be able to see, so stay close to me," Toph instructed. 

Once she got a confirmation from all of us, she leapt out of the trench. Then, she began some strenuous earthbending gesture that ended with a powerful foot stomp, sending a mighty blast of dust and broken stone rocketing along the ground toward the drill.

"Run!" Toph yelled.

"Move it, ladies!" Muteki added as he vaulted over the trench, and we all plunged into the swirling beige dust cloud. 

When we next emerged, we were near the front of the drill. As we stood in the drill's shadow, Toph bent a pit in the ground.

"Everyone into the hole!"

Toph jumped down after us, and the surface closed above us, plunging us all into utter darkness.

"It's so dark down here; I can't see a thing!" Sokka complained.

"Oh no, what a nightmare," Toph responded, feigning horror.


"King of Tactful comments, ladies and gentlemen," Mogui laughed.

Mogui and I lit small fires to light the way, and we continued.

Soon, though, we burst out of the ground, directly beneath the drill. Sokka pointed slightly ahead and upwards.


A small opening in the Drill's belly could be seen, with a narrow pipe extending out of it horizontally. Aang leapt up to catch it, then hung upside down from it by his legs as he boosted Katara, Sokka, Mogui, and then myself up into the Drill. There was a pause, and we realised that Toph and Muteki weren't following.

"Toph, Muteki, come on!" Sokka called, peeking out from the opening.

"No way am I going in that metal monster," she answered.

"Neither of us can bend in there," Muteki clarified. "We'll slow it down as much as possible down here."

"Tally-ho old chum," Mogui called from inside. "We'll see you on the other side, old boy!"

Muteki pretended not to hear and waved off Sokka and Aang.

"Good luck," Sokka called as the two popped back into the drill.

Sokka was studying the pipes as we began trying to figure out how best to sabotage the drill.

"I need a plan of this machine. Some schematics that show what the inside looks like. Then we can find its weak points," Sokka said as he looked around himself.

"Where are we gonna get something like that?" Aang asked.

Sokka abruptly drew his machete and chopped off a steam valve.

"Excellent plan Sokka!" Mogui cheered. "Random acts of destruction. Who needs plans?"

"What, no!" Aang cried. "Someone's gonna hear us!"

"It's alright," I piped up. "Sokka knows that with a machine this big, it's going to need people to maintain it."

"Exactly," Sokka grinned at me. "So when something breaks..."

"They come to fix it!" Katara finished, smiling broadly.

"What? No wanton destruction? Not even a little bit?" Mogui pouted as we all found spots to hide for our wayward engineer.

Not too much later, a large Fire Nation engineer in a filter mask appeared through the steam, holding a large wrench and a rolled-up document. Katara appeared behind him and smiled sweetly.

"Hi," she smiled before bending the steam and condensing it into an icy shell that entrapped the engineer.

Sokka ran up and took the plans. "That'll work, thanks!"

We all ran after Sokka, leaving the engineer standing helplessly trapped.

Sokka led us up metal stairs, stopping to unroll the plans across a large pipe.

"It looks like this Drill is made up of two main structures. There's the inner mechanism, where we are now, and the outer shell," he traced his finger along with the diagram as he spoke. "The inner part and the outer part are connected by these braces. If we cut through them, the entire thing will collapse."

"They're not going to be easy to cut," I added, as the others nodded along. "Those braces will be very thick in order to support the outer shell's weight."

"Yeah?" Sokka answered slowly.

"I'm just saying it might take a little longer to cut through them all, and if it collapses too soon, we get squished."

"You make a good point," Sokka said. "But this looks like our best chance."

"Sad but true. Come on, let's go throw a spanner in their works."  

Accidental Avatar 2-RocknRollHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin