Gear up!

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 A/N: Hey All! Beheld! Tis I! Your most esteemed ruler, Lord Sasha L! Hey, I'll be home in about 6 weeks. Who's keen? Good Bye, my beloved England Birmingham Mission! Oh, how I love thee. But Hey! I'll have more time to write soon ;)  

So the guys were preparing for war, and I joined the supply chain, passing up these big spherical contraptions. I heard someone call them Tangle Mines, and someone else called it Stink and Sink. Anyways, my arms were getting sore from all this menial labour. Don't get me wrong, I've gotten a lot stronger than I was at the start of this adventure, but my slight physique and large forehead targeted me more as a scholar than a warrior.

"Prepare for battle!" The call came loud and clear. 

Most men turned to look at the shouter before dashing off to get their armour. Me? Well, I just kept picking up those mines and carrying them aboard. Someone had to. Then a giant hand fell on my shoulder.

"You going to prepare too?" Hakoda's voice asked. 

I may have jumped a little, but there's no proof of it happening no matter What Sokka says!

"I don't have my armour," I replied earnestly. 

I had lost my Fire Nation Armour with Appa and his equipment.

"Your Fire Nation kit could get you killed by one of our allies, should our ship be seized. You and Sokka will be using some of the spares I have in my tent."

I nodded, then jogged to gear up. It wasn't long before I was sitting on a boat, wrapped in a leather/fur armour of some sort, boiling under the sun with a blade hanging from my hip. The sword was shorter than I liked, but I didn't know why... something in my head was telling me 'too light, too short...' But hey ho, I can't get everything I want.

Accidental Avatar 2-RocknRollOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora