Ember questions, "How could he have survived those flames?!"

Zuko states, "That attack should have destroyed him."

Acnologia launches himself into the air again, and Igneel appears to be smirking as he says, "I'm fired up now!"

Igneel turns to Natsu as he says bluntly, "Son, you're a pest."

With steam puffing from his head, Natsu snaps back, flustered, "Whaddya mean by that?! You sure have a weird way of showing that you missed me!!"

With steam puffing from his head, Natsu snaps back, flustered, "Whaddya mean by that?! You sure have a weird way of showing that you missed me!!"

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"I've already told you: we'll talk about everything later. I've got a job I need you to do."

"What kind of job?" Natsu asks curiously.

"You are in one of those guilds, aren't you?" Igneel inquires. "Well, I'd like to officially hire you."

Igneel then goes onto explain his job request to Natsu. He apparently wants Natsu to steal the book of E. N. D from a black haired man, whom I'm assuming is the same guy Rogue and Sting were fighting earlier. Natsu questions why he should be the one to do it, and Igneel tells him that he's the only one who can, and that the man with the book is also the one behind all this. Igneel also orders the Fire Dragon Slayer to not open nor destroy the book, no matter what. Natsu asks what the reward is, and Igneel replies that he'll tell Natsu everything he wants to know about what happened that day, when Igneel disappeared.

Natsu eagerly accepts the job request and Igneel launches him off his paw, toward the man holding the book. Natsu doesn't forget to remind Igneel about the promise he made him, and Igneel replies he didn't.

"I'm going to go help him," I tell the others. I glance at Nanami. "Nanami-chan, I want you to help get Laxus back to Porlyusica."

She nods at me in understanding. "Okay, nee-chan." Nanami gives me a brief hug as she adds, "Be careful!"

"Don't worry about me." I give my comrades a smirk, before I disappear in a bolt of lightning.

I appear right next to Natsu a few seconds later, my lightning bolt striking the ground beside him. I quickly activate my Crystal Armor spell and Natsu and I swing our fists for the man's face. He raises his arms to block our attacks.

"And, you are...?"

My pink eyes harden as I answer, "Akira Suishou Mizuno, the girl who'll send you back to Hell!"

"The son of a dragon, eh?! And a Suishou?! Made Geer hasn't heard that name in a long time," The black haired man says in curiosity, just before he goes skidding backward.

Natsu and I appear in front of him, and kick at Mard Geer. He raises his arm to block the attacks. With a grunt, Mard Geer goes flying back from the kicks.

Book 3: Stolen Crystal (Rogue Cheney Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now