Chapter 58 - 🖤

Start from the beginning

Sarah rolls her eyes and ignores, Charlotte, turning back to me instead, "I apologize that we weren't able to greet you yesterday. Mother had one of her... episodes, and we had to leave."

I nod my head in understanding, "How is, Aunt Grace?"

"It's been a while since father, but she's still the same." Sarah answers, sadness flashing across her face.

"Oops! We didn't see you there, Uncle Ricky!" Charlotte laughs, before pulling my dad into a hug.

"It's fine, love." He tells her, while hugging her back.

Sarah looks around, "Where's, Aunt Val?"

"She was still sleeping when I got up. She should be down here soon. It's almost time for breakfast." My dad says, looking at his watch.

V rolls her eyes, and places her hands on her hips, "Okay, just ignore me standing right here."

"You know we could never ignore your sexy self." Charlotte winks, before walking over to, V, and throwing her arms around her.

Sarah also goes to give her a hug and the five of us chat for a while longer.

"Boss, breakfast is ready." Abbey announces, her hands placed in front of her.

"Thank you, Abbey. Go ahead and let everyone else know." I say, before she gives me a nod and walks away.

"Oooh, a maid. That's fancy, cousin." Charlotte tells me, while wiggling her eyebrows.

I shake my head as my dad stands up from the couch, "Well, I'm going to get my wife. I'll see you all in the dining room."

V stands up after him and walks out, too, "Yeah, I'm hungry. I'm going to get my food already."

My cousins and I, are only by ourselves for a few short seconds before, Marcus runs into the living room, "CHARLOTTE!!!"

Her face lights up and she jumps up from the couch, "MARCUS!!!"

He holds his arms out and she runs to him, before jumping into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist. He spins around, holding onto her tightly.

"You're both going to break something that is most likely very expensive." Sarah tells them, while shaking her head.

Marcus stops spinning and puts, Charlotte down, before turning to, Sarah and mimicking her tone, "Do you still think mummy is related to the royal family?"

Charlotte bursts out into a loud laughter, clutching her stomach.

Sarah rolls her eyes at them and stands up, before walking out of the living room, "You two are a bunch of overgrown children."

"Thank you, Queen Elizabeth!" Marcus calls out after her.

I get up and walk out too, ignoring Marcus and Charlotte. Charlotte has always been the girl version of, Marcus, so they get along well. Since it's been years that my cousins have been around, I have a feeling that those two together are going to be a pain in my ass.


•Roxie's POV ~

Damon wasn't in bed with me when I woke up. I thought he would be, but I guess something important came up.

After getting up, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair and changed my clothes, before I heard a knock on the door.

I walked over to it and opened the door, coming face to face with, Abbey.

"I just wanted to let you know that breakfast is ready, Mrs. Knight." She politely tells me, with a small smile on her face.

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