Chapter 4 - Playtime with Monsta X (Edited)

Start from the beginning

Joohoney asked, "so Minhyuk is your favorite then?" he pretended to pout but could not keep a straight face for long with Min happily running around the room with his arms outstretched. My Sunshine came to stand behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He rested his chin on my head and I could feel his heat radiating into my body. My eyes closed involuntarily as the butterflies tried to take flight. I basically just melted into him. If he had moved just then I would have slid to the floor in a puddle. I had never felt this feeling before. It was electric, addictive.

Minhyuk held me in a back hug for several minutes, while the others teased him and tried to pull me away. I was unconsciously holding tightly onto his arms to keep them there as long as possible. I had dreamed of this moment for years and now that it was happening, I was in shock. Minhyuk leaned his head down close to my ear and said, "you are like my Cinderella."

Confused, I turned my head toward him and our lips almost touched. I had the almost uncontrollable urge to kiss him. It took every bit of willpower I had, but I managed to just look at them. They were even more enticing up close. I may or may not have licked my own lips while staring at his. He flashed that sexy little smile, you know the one. Maybe he realized what I was thinking, maybe he was thinking it too... who knows. I remembered what I was going to say but could barely speak. I asked in a very breathy voice, "your Cinderella? Why?"

"The whale was like your glass slipper. I had to search for you, and now I found you." His smile turned sweet, and his eyes lit up. He turned me in his arms and held me against his chest, rocking us a little bit. "Noona, I have searched every face at every concert and fanmeeting hoping to see you again." His words were echoing in my head and making me dizzy. I wrapped my arms around him and held on as long as I could. I heard his heart beating in his chest. I smelled his cologne and his own unique scent. I heard him breathing. I felt the heat from his body. I was aware of only him in that moment. There was no one else in the room... in the world.

"Then that would make you my Prince Charming," I said softly when he pulled back to look at me. His smile got even brighter, and he shook his head vehemently.

"Yes! I am your Prince Charming!" My heart fluttered and my tummy did backflips. If only that could be true... He took my hand and pulled me to the couch to sit beside him. Joohoney pouted when he made him move over. It was adorable. I just giggled at him, and he flashed me those dimples. It took every bit of restraint I had not to reach out and touch them. As if he could read my mind, he angled his cheek to me, pointed to it, and said "go ahead, I know you want to", so I did. I squealed with delight, and they all laughed at my reaction. Minhyuk pulled me back against him again and said "but Noona, you love me the most", he reminded me as he brushed his hair back from his forehead with his fingers, knowing full well what this does to a Monbebe. It was a light brown shade tonight and it looked great on him. I responded, "don't be jealous, I love all of you, and yes I love you the most. I am the happiest, luckiest Monbebe in the world right now and I want to experience everything I can. And please stop doing that. I can't handle it up close like this." He stuck his tongue out of the side of his mouth and flashed that smile. I was woozy now.

"We came to Atlanta again, but I don't remember seeing you this year at Hi-Touch, Noona," Minhyuk frowned.

"The good tickets sold out before I could get one. I was with a client when they went on sale, and I had to settle for a regular seat." My disappointment was obvious. "But this makes up for it! Oh! I brought gifts!" I blurted out suddenly, shifting the mood. "I made special gifts for each of you." I tried to stand up, but Minhyuk held onto my arm and tried to keep me there. "I will be right back, I promise," I said with a wink and a smile. He relaxed and let go of my arm. I went to my bag and pulled out 7 beautifully wrapped scrolls and told them each one was specially made for them.

"Gifts? For us? Noona, you are the gift, you did not need to bring anything," this from Wonho. My heart melted a little and I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek when I handed him his package first. He flashed me that amazing smile of his and I swooned. The others played jealous, so I had to kiss them each on the cheek also. I know, poor me.

They started opening their presents one by one and I just watched, savoring their reactions. When it was Minhyuk's turn, I focused completely on him. He opened it very slowly. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open.

"Noona, you made this? For me? I knew you had to be an artist!" It was a collage painting of a whale gracefully flying through the air as it dove back into the water. I had embellished the background with subtle touches of things that were part of him, Dambi, the members, roses, and a few other things.

"Yes, I made these especially for you all. I know you guys give most gifts to orphanages, but these are for you and you alone. Noona will be sad if you give them away," I pouted a little for effect. Minhyuk smiled at me and hugged me tight against his body.

"I will keep it forever. Thank you for making something so beautiful for me." Min's excitement was tangible.

The others also thanked me and showed each other their treasures. Minhyuk held the painting up to show the others and Hyungwon pointed out the flowers. "Ohh! Those look like the flowers from All In!"

"They are. To me they symbolize the strength that you all have. I was going through my own hell at the same time you all were. Seeing you fight gave me strength to keep going and get through it. I painted these then. You guys were my inspiration." My eyes began to get misty at the emotion involved in the memory, but the pain had faded. I kept the tears from falling... mostly. Minhyuk saw one that began to slip and reached up to catch it and wipe it away. "Who hurt you, Noona? He did not deserve you. No one should ever hurt you. We will protect you from now on." He pulled me to his chest and stroked my hair. I felt safe and truly protected, and very warm. I breathed in his scent again, trying to imprint it on my memory. It was not a perfume scent. It was just his scent. My head was spinning when he finally let me go. The others crowded around and hugged me too. I was in Monbebe heaven once again, and I never wanted to leave.

Minhyuk had been touching me one way or another pretty much constantly since he found out he was my favorite, either with hugs, holding my hand, or just sitting beside me with our thighs touching. I felt like he was hoarding me from the others, and I was okay with that. We all chatted for what seemed like hours. After the first hour or so, the staff left us alone to play. I thought that was odd, but I was happy they did. We had some snacks, we played a couple of games, and we learned about each other. Kihyun said that they had fan meetings all the time, but each Monbebe only got a minute or two with each member. That was not enough time to get to know anyone. He added that sometimes that was a good thing, and the others shushed him. He said "well, it is true! Sometimes they are too immature, and sometimes they are just crazy. It can be uncomfortable, especially when they bring childish headbands and things that we have to wear for fanservice. This is nice. Noona can handle us." Everyone started laughing and agreeing. I was surprised he opened up and shared those thoughts with me.

We had been taking selcas all night, but the staff reappeared and gathered us for a more official group photo before we wrapped up. Minhyuk made sure he was beside me. Changkyun stood on the other side and Hyungwon directly behind me, as it had come out that they were my wreckers. They all squeezed in close to me and it became one giant group hug. Minhyuk took out his phone and he and Changkyun surprised me with each of them kissing one of my cheeks as he took the photo. I remembered to get a couple of shots of Shownu and Changkyun for Halmeoni.

The evening had been perfect, and it ended far too soon. They all hugged me tight as we said goodbye. Minhyuk would not let go and Shownu had to pull him away. We waved to each other as Jun came to take me to the elevator. "Bye Noona!!! We miss you already!" Minhyuk blew me a kiss and I caught it in the air as the elevator doors closed and they disappeared from my sight.

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