Part Twenty-Nine

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Mari [Black Blood]: I don't need anyone anymore.. I'll just eat everyone.

Mari [Sane]: I need him more than anything else in this world... just to hold him tight and kiss him until the world ends, and he can make all my scars go away, and then i don't have to be scared anymore. I just don't want to be afraid of anyone. Please... I hope you're not afraid of me.

-Please Stand By-

Mari's eyes opened to darkness and she was still, her body not strong enough anymore to move. Her arms felt weak like broken sticks and her leg felt like there was stones tied to them. She felt as if her bones would snap if she moved, so she was still. "Kidd..." her cracked lips ushered.

The door opened and she squeezed her eyes shut at the sudden brightness. She tried to hold her arm over her face, but they were limp by her sides. The figure stepped inside and closed the door.

"Mari." Medusa said.

Mari opened her eyes and looked up at the woman. "What do you want?" She crackled, her lips beginning to bleed black blood. The cracks sealed as black scars and faded quickly. A jab of pain stabbed her stomach and she cringed, her dark blood splattering her lips.

"You need to eat." Medusa said.

Mari laughed a little and tried to move a shaking hand to her mouth to wipe away the blood. Her fingers brushed her mouth and pain arched through her body at the motion. "What sort of food?" She smiled up at the sealing. "Normal food won't do anything."

Medusa grinned, her hands moving around in her pockets. "No, no." she walked to Mari, leaning over her. "I mean human. Flesh, blood..." Medusa shivered with the thought. "Souls."

Mari closed her eyes. She took in a breath, her mouth watering. "Ok...ay..." Medusa pulled away and Mari began to sit up. Her bones crackled under her skin with a popping sound and Mari didn't flinch as she stood, cracking her neck. "Where?" She asked, her voice ragged.

Medusa began to walk out, beckoning. "Just follow me." She said.

Mari took a few steps forward, halting at first, then her hunger truly hit her and she followed Medusa, her jerking body movements eager. They walked down hallways that turned into more hallways until they had reached a door, a door that smelled like fresh air and... humans. Mari opened the door and stepped out, warm wind hitting her face. She walked in the direction where she smelled people, something controlling her. She felt trapped and she couldn't tell her legs what to do, and when she spoke, she sounded different, calmer. "I want to eat. Now."

She slammed a house's door open, the black blood fully controlling her now. She seemed to be in Death City and she could smell all the souls. She stepped into the house, her wings folded behind her. "Souls..." her voice crackled.

She heard a pair of footsteps walk in her direction and she reached her hands out to either side of her, almost waiting to embrace the person so she could eat their soul.

The woman in front of her screamed and fell back, stumbling on a rug and falling. "What the..."

Mari stepped forward toward the woman and fell on top of her, her hands on either side of the woman's head. The woman was shaking and was frozen to the spot. A man came out of the same room, a tense look on his face, when he saw the woman beneath Mari, he yelled and charged her.

Mari looked up at him, of her wings flying up and nocking him to the ground, unconscious. She turned back to the woman and smiled with her teeth, opening her mouth to tear out her throat.

Mari (Soul Eater)Where stories live. Discover now