Part Nine

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Mari walked into the classroom with all the other students that were entering to. She sighed and walked up the stairs to where she usually sat with her other friends. She set her bag down and sat down. She put her head on the desk. Her arm was sore and her eye was bugging her, but most of all, she was tired.

                  “Mari, why are you tired? You’re usually awake at five.” Liz asked.

                  “I stayed up really late last night.” She mumbled.

                  Kidd slid his papers onto his desk. “Doing what?”

“Writing… stuff…” she said, closing her eyes. “I’ll just tell… Stein… I’m hurting… later…” Kidd asked her a question, but she was already asleep.

Five minutes later…

Mari jumped as a scalpel flew at her face. “Uhm… what?” she asked and a few people chuckled.

Stein sighed. “How many hours of sleep did you get last night?”

“Two.” Mari answered.

He shook his head. “Okay. So I heard you and Amme had a unique way of fighting. I Would like you to show the class please.”

Mari stood and let Amme drag her down to the center of the room. “But,” Mari said. “No one knows my weapon form. I wanted it to be secret.”

Stein looked at a clipboard. “Black Star… you can fight Mari and Amme.”

Black Star jumped up. “Yahoo! With Tsubaki?”

Stein looked over at the half asleep Mari and the blushing Amme. Amme didn’t seem to like to be in front of to many people. “Hmm… you’re going to destroy the classroom like last time though…” he looked up at Tsubaki. “I’d say sit this one out Tsubaki.” Tsubaki made a sad face as Black Star jumped down to the front of the room.

“So…” Amme asked Stein. “Do we just like… uhm… stop short of killing each other or…”

Stein chuckled. “Anything.”

Mari started glowing, then she transformed into a claymore. People were a little surprised. They probably thought she would be a scythe or gun, no one had ever seen a claymore sword as anyone’s weapon form. “What?” Mari said.

Amme caught the hundred pound sword in one hand and Black Star’s mouth opened and a few other students made small noises. Black Star pointed at Amme. “You’re like thirteen! How can you even lift that sword! You look so small!”

Amme’s cheeks flushed. “L-look who’s talking!” she said back.

Black Star ran at the small girl and she sent her wavelength down Mari’s blade. “Hey Stein!” Mari called from the blade and the professor looked up. “If Amme and I can beat Black Star, can I sleep for the rest of class?”

Stein shrugged. “Sure.”

Amme slammed the electric bade against Black Star’s stomach faster than he could dodge and he flew across the room. Amme pointed Mari at Black Star. “Don’t underestimate your opponent!” She squeaked.

Black Star stood. “Are you trying to make a point?” He ran at her, raising his fist to punch her in the chest. Amme didn’t move and let the boy hit her. Mari cried out as Black Star’s fist met the middle of her ribs. There was a loud crack and the room got quiet. “I got you!” Black Star laughed.

Amme reached up a hand and grabbed his wrist. A ripple went down her arm into Black Star and a shockwave was sent through Black Star. He yelled with pain and dropped to one knee, white light arching around him. Amme huffed. “And…” She said as she brought her weapon down across his back, slicing through his shirt and creating a red line down his skin. Then, more of her wavelength shocked him. “Don’t underestimate me.” And the whole time she had been holding the sword with one hand.

Mari turned back into her human for and pocked Black Star’s cheek. “We win sucker!” She stood and looked at Amme. “You okay?”

She nodded, rubbing her chest. “He just… snapped a few… ribs.” She waved a hand in the air. “I’ll be okay.”

Clapping came from behind them and they turned to see Stein slapping his hands together. “Well girls.” He said. “I am truly surprised. Well done.” He looked at Amme. “Just don’t go on any missions soon.” He looked at Mari. “I heard what you said before you fell asleep. Take it easy on your arm.”

The two nodded and walked to their seats with small claps from the other students. Amme clung to Mari’s shirt as they waked so no one would see her.

“Tsubaki! Will you take Black Star to the infirmary for me?” Stein asked Tsubaki.

“Yeah.” She said in her sweet voice.

Mari turned. “I’ll help!”

Tsubaki stopped her with a wave of her hand. “You get to sleep. Remember?”

Mari nodded. “Right!” She returned to her seat and fell asleep quickly.

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