Part Three

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Authors note: I was playing left 4 dead 2 today on my brothers friends conputer and i realized i am probably one of the only girls i know in my class who would play a first person shooter game with fast zombies.

   Mari picked up the last few things she had had in the hospital room. Stein was sitting on his chair watching her grab a few books. He was smoking a cigarette and the light glinted off his glasses just right so you couldn’t see his eyes.

Mari turned. “Stein,” Stein shook himself from a daze as she said his name. “Stop staring at me. It’ creepy.”

He began to laugh. “I was just thinking about something. Don’t worry, I’m not a Spirit.”

Mari laughed a little. She had only been going to DWMA for a few days before she had met Maka’s dad Spirit. At first he seemed all sweet like a dad should be. Then he ruined it by telling her she had beautiful eyes and skin and going all I’m a stalker and I know where you live. She had punched him and Maka had Maka-chopped him and then he had gone all redemption mode. Mari had seen him the other days at school before her dad had…

She stopped laughing and she looked at her feet. “Mari.”

She looked up at him. “Y-yes Stein?”

He smiled a little. “My students usually don’t call me ‘Stein’.”

Mari put her hands over her mouth. “I’m so sorry Professor! It won’t happen again!” She was blushing because she had forgotten.  

“No.” He said. “I feel like people don’t call me Stein enough. Don’t worry about it.” He said.

Mari shuffled her feet uncomfortably. “Okay.”

Stein clicked his screw a few times as he pulled out a really thick student folder and flipped through the pages. “Oh yeah. I was wondering where you were gonna stay for a while?”

Mari picked up her bag. “I’m staying with Kidd, Liz and Patty for a while. They… uhm… They were getting my stuff from my old house today with Soul and Maka. Liz Patty and Kidd were gonna set up a room for me at Lord Death’s house. All of them are being really cool about helping me out while I spend an hour grabbing a few books.”

Stein nodded. “They’re all really good kids.” He turned a page on the file he was reading. “Marie wanted me to tell you that if you ever need a place to stay, you can stay with us.” He glanced up at her. “I won’t even dissect you.”

I smiled, a little shakily. “Th-thanks Stein. Say thank you to Miss Marie please. Oh! And…” She tilted her head. “Congratulations!”

He looked a little confused for a moment, then he grinned. “Thank you, Mari.”

Mari walked out of the hospital room. She saw someone at the end of the hall and squinted to see them. She couldn’t quite make out  who it was so she just walked towards the person. As she walked down the long hallway, she thought about what had happened. She had been asleep for eight days then woken up and had to stay another two. She had hit her head and gotten a large concussion. And after she had woken up, Kidd has kissed her. She blushed and smiled for a stolen moment. She looked down the hall to see it was Maka waiting for her.

“Hey!” Maka said cheerfully when she saw Mari.

Mari waved a little and smiled. “Hey. How long were you waiting?’’

Maka shrugged. “Five minutes…?”

Mari smiled. “I’m glad I didn’t make you wait long.” She hooked her arm in Maka’s and they started walking toward the exit.

Mari (Soul Eater)Where stories live. Discover now